Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 Kepakemapa 1880 — A FIT OF ANCIENT AND MODERB HISTORY. [ARTICLE]
Ti!E W0KSH1J'ERS OE THE OOl.llEN OAU'. Ccrtain 80os oi Eelial quote from the a'neien: • chroniclee, thc story of certain tribes, who were led by one who "cau6ed Ierael to-8in,"' and whb indueed them to "Seeede from tbe "Houee of David,'" asd to revolt. Their revolt is mentioned as -a warning: — and it ought to. be to all 8eeede.r$.. w.D.Qarken unto the etory of tbe past, and n5te liow it may aceord with -the preseDt time, -even here, in ihe, isles of the sea. ^ Aūd it eame to pase when thc eorc-bead peo- ' pie, who had lost th.e fat thinge o( the old time, ^ and did not want to pay tribute to tbe new order, did cry out eulkily, ,v \Vbat portion bave we
in I)avid ?„. ' — that he who ••-caueed tbe people to ein, did eet up certain golden calvC8 ; — yeabeeet °P a golden ealf, fed fat with treasury pap ; — ,.even "in bethel was tbe calf set up, — whepe -be ery was raised, "to your tents" 0, eore-heade =~-N<jw Bee'"tbTbTnē houee. I)avf(]," — ~And be did see to it. And be put new meD ae be listed in the high plaeee. And the eore-head tribes witb tbe'ir golden calf, bad tbeir ring of power broken, and tbey were utterly 6cattered and peelod, aDd tbeir plaeee were filled by othere, aDd ihey were loet sight of for evermore. For tbe Lord eaid, ;'.tbie thing ie of'ine." ,And tbese ovent8,--and tbe utter dikGomficure pf the eorehead tfibes are tbey not fully eet forth in the chroniclee of tbe Sbepberd, jpo tbat be wlio runne,th may read ?