Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 Kepakemapa 1880 — HAWAIIAN LOYALTY. [ARTICLE]
The tmitoroue epirit of tbe oppositi<iu Prees ^ bopee to, create a dieioval divieion among tbe __ native piople bv. arraying chief againet cbief. ,bBut tbie epirit will be rebuked and disappointed. for whatever may be the Cbief attacbment8 o( tbe Hawaiian people, tbey are loval to tbe Throne — tb?y feeling well aeeured IhaP'ihe eupport;.<?.f,' " ^h^]3awaiian ffionarcby is intnmatelv identified with tbeJweifare" and very life of the Hawaiian race. Tbey are united on thie paramount Da- ( tional <que8tion ; aDd, in our diecu88ion through the-Hawaiian eolumne of this journal, our cbief endeavor will be-te--maiota)n — tbie -imited-native- ' sentiuieot of loyalty to tbe Tbrone. Foreignere — ; wbonirayd>tf--dii^pn1tfTe^^ of tbeir friends, in. regard to office and emohiment, m.av etrive to agitate and keep up a state ol disguet among tbemfelve6 ; but let them rest a88u-redvthey do not affect tbe ioyal and patriotic 1 1 ' • eentiment.of the Hawaiian people."