Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 Kepakemapa 1880 — OUR CHUSCHES. [ARTICLE]
Divine Servi«es on Snnday, the I2th inst. At the Fort Street Church, we were pleased to seethe Pastor, Rev. W» Frear, in the puipit, from whieh he has been ab*8ent for a time, enjoying ■ va<|rtfw^1nung-iTi"etVtr8"atlf>fiTlIa8T The worthy Pa8tor-seem8. r.eTreshed and - re-invigorated, and We- were pdease1H© lieteia toylm wonted, eavne8t, $ and -?fi8tructive atyle of (iiscour8e. He commented uponVthe 126t.h verae of Pelam 119 : " ft i8 einie Tor thee, tord, to work.M And the preacher pointed out hi8torical incidents, such as the French revoiution, battle of Waterloo,ahd Emancipation ip America,-whieh-rtcnearnes^nTndB;Tndiūa'te 'a Divine Providential intervention\ The inference 'Wāā, thatThe time for Providence to intervene in our puhlie affairs was now at hand. However, we trust that a beneficent and loving Providence ie always watcbing over uS, and'does not seek āny e8pecial occasion of political emergency, as an opportunity for intervention. • In the evenmg the eubject of the aermon was taken from tbe Prophecies of Ezekiel, ahook pro■lific of testB for Chri8tian discoui'8e8. " l'hen wbo8oever heareth the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning, if tbe sword eome, and take him away, his blood ahall be upon his own head " Chapter XXXIII, VeTse4. Tbe argu-
meht 6tt.the preacher wae that personal reeponsibility is the keystone of the. difference between man and the brutea, although too many eeek by every contrivance to evade it. I'he culuiination of our responsibility is when the mes6age of tbe <3o8pel i8 brought to ue. To all present this combined warning and invitation bas been . brought and repeated day by day and the words of the Te"xt his b!ōod shall''be upon his own head " are applieahle to all who neglect the tidings. At matins at St. Andrews the Rev. T. A. Blackburn o£5ciated and the Right Reverend the -Bishop of Honolulu* wae the preacher, His text was the 8th verse of Pealm 16, " I have set the Lord always before me ; because ,he is at my right hand 1 ahall not be moved." The argu-' ment of the sermon was that the idea of the peraonal care taken by-the Almiglity of eaeh individual was not realized e'ven by the best. and holiest of. heathen sages. It was revealed -by Him to the patriarchs, and 6be knowledge was,.con8erved by "" riie"UlOTlTCburcrrUplTtbek3Vēnt of the Chrīif whū pr.eached .it"-aa- the -Goapel of the Kingdom - for all. Tbe devout momber of the Ghristian Church haa set the Lord always bef'ore him and will experience the brcssing whieh the Psalmi8t ■celebrates. This being Ember Week tbe uaual prayer for thoae about to be ordained to boly functions was said. At tlie Bethel Cliurcli--t,hfi Rnv. Hemnnlliahoptook for his text, '• Fret not thysoHj heoauee of evi) doors." Thc Ilev. gontlemān appeared to bo of opinion thāt ovil doora are baving, a littlo of the>r own way junt now and wo oan heartily ondorao his exhortation to all not to bo difiquiotcd, ovon thoqgl) ovil doera, 8bonld sot thom8olvoe to agitato tho community. A)1 foars aro idle aa to ovent8 whioh wo know tho Lord will overrido for tho good ol' hia people. jE8T •' Who aro thoy who antici|)ate riotlrig ? " 4iTquirēa the It mu8t ha^o heon ihoHo who potitionod tholr oonouk, setting forth cortain appr«hott8io»|ii, and lndue<tf hpi^, (ho^ flāgs, and ttāi) arxl (ieal thom to the pole, a eigāal of dunger. " Tho wioked fleo whon no mun pur8uetb," k oa truo ao «vor. ' 61 <i . • ' ' '