Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 September 1880 — Notes by jenkins. [ARTICLE]
Notes by jenkins.
I wa« pfisHirig down J'Virt-streot oni; o^eeuiio;- . . last week; i)etwecri the lioum oi 8 unaj), wben iny nttentinn wnH attrnctcd :.y thc 1 ol 1 o vying_!oijd_. and di»tinct succcssion <>f quericH, wliieh wcrc epoken from a window : — ■■ •• W'ho'H yonrfji'tliPT? " flndiscirīct inunmii' in rcply). " Mother dead too ? " (More indistinct murniuring). " Well ! aint anyl)ody ast you to dance '.' .(Broken miirnuirs). , , ' " O-o-oli I Well, I guess Homebody might by - ' and-byc. Good evening !■" Jud"inK frotn ' thc silence whieh ioliowe^, J O O . • •' - - concIuded that my inqusitive ,friend had left the lone daniscl to'hcr fate ; '5ut.il fpund Ihem together in rnore inti'matc m-vs>l ns\ The melodious stvains oi' a. dreamy . waltz djnturbcd 017 philosuplii'/ing and making inqui'ries, I discovercd that$2 eaah, and or"dinary good behavior. would enahle mē to participatc in an cvcning'fl diB«ipaeion, i entered a omall, but ta8tefully-dccorate<i apajtment neai' the Poat-office, and found mysclt amidst qn aseeinbly of forty or fifty.people attired in all tlie varied coBtumes of morning, afternoon, atid evening fiishions. K.nowing n9body in par ■ ticular, L subflided into a quiet- cu.rner and pro - ccedcd t<> interest tnyneli witb a 8iudy ot the happincss of my felLow creatures. - lhe daneihg was.g"ood, hut, owing to* thc limited dimensionH . of thc apartincnt,_ ii good ■ nianv _colliHiO"_ns __f.qok_. _ p'laee ; but merrimcnt and gaiety bcing tj:e ordcr . iil' tbe'day ,"or night. all 'wiw takc*n in gpod pan; I'lie hall had bcen ha8tily got up lbr eharit'al)!e purposea, and ot eourse toiletB and arran«ements ; gcnerally eaine tinder tbc head of impmnp. 1 Tlu.re vv(lh nothing pilrticularly striking in thc . i way of ladiert'..toilets, bu_t the^"' little_bhie -rink- . ! eap " īmule it? mark lu-rc un well «as at ilie " Maile."1' I wisli tbcre werc a gre.at raany morc j impromplv gatlierings. It is far prei'crLibIo to I see our vouthful citizens killing time in the | tnociii)us _!clicttios oi a Oiirpct dauce than. whiiiog away their evenings in thc 8i).mewhat dubiou» .. cliarms of tobaceo and eurdu. 1 noticed tbat thc lone damsel tripped away gaily with ber sympathizing queBtioncr. ^ — My lady readerH will be interestcd to hcar tbat glovca are now entirely disearded at.balīi) and full dress ēntertainmentB by the leuding ladies oi New York. Broad hclts from 3 to 4 inehea widc, (commonly niade of canvae8) are en rēgle. Hair ^ iu worh as u l"antique, wfiijHt panicrs arc a aīn and trains but seldom aeen. • Light colored"fabrTea arc the fashion for drees mnterialfl, and " the fashion " affectfl a eevere simplicity of atyle, appcasing itc aflthctic taate only with fans in wliieli u 11 tlii! g.iye-r eol.UM ol' tbe prism are dut pjayecL . ' San Oineo, Aug. 21. — United States Marahal J. Dnnkp arreBted Captain J . M. Nilea of this plaea fov - runping away with the aloop Annio i.'".,rcti, and lofc with hiu prisune* (or bc» l'i-aaeieoo ti«io morning.