Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 Kepakemapa 1880 — Foreign News Items. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreign News Items.

Oeonie III'h ei'own wciglied sevt'n »ounds ; Vn:- | tori.i's vvciglis only iiineleen uuneea. . A ruilwuy collision Ima laken plaee :it N'ew -fcr sey whep' twu i'xeursiuns trains eolI'uliKl, resuliintr in pcrsons fjcing kilW atid wuundcd. | Kome is «niū to he the mo.3t English of" G'ontinental ! uitics, so fnr ns tlic inaimcrs and eualomo oī tho upper tcn arc conccrncd. 'l'he l'i'inee nf P.ouniania will soon scnd a apeeiai Envoy to the Unitcd States to announee the indc pcndence of Ilonuianin. Nativc rcports nre so ananimous us to the presence of thrce liumpenn officers \vith Ayoob Khan thar tliere ean be liule doubt they arc true. The J.legister of thc United Stntes Trcasury han hcgan t'o examine who are holders ()f GovōriiruCrjf" "' bomls, and in vvh.at part of the country mcat of them i are hcld. Bcll's hili' in Lonūou on ihe Iōt!i of M'ay rcinai'ka tliat_.tiu' prc.-,cni |(.-a.m-uf. Australi,ui- criokel.Oi'H l.- oiie uf thu hcst it h:<- ev*ci' seen biiridcd to gether. ... „ ' lt is siiitcii in Mclboiu ne lIkii it has boen dis - covercd thiit-lh-' artij'jr woni by Ned Kēlly at the time (jf liis eaphu'e was maile in Melhounie, and ■ ,t!ic price puiei fur it was iilOOO. ■ A despr.tch from ī)ubiin to tlie "TJdt7y 3ā"ys". "" "The weather continucs to bevery iine. IIay ia beiQg speedily cut and snved. All the crops are maturing at unuauāl- rapidity. In viev? of this, some of tha Manuion Ilouee Kelief Committee conslder that thoir labor-s ought to bc ended immediatoly." i * The Churchman snys: "\Ve sce it stated that Mrn. Haueoek ipa Romau Catholic. We think it willlio fo'und on inquiry that sbe is a devout communicont in tho Epiaeopal Churcli, and that during thei'esidonceof her distinguishcd husband at Govornor's Island she has.taken mueh peroonal intereat in tho services at St. Cornelius's Ohapel, and rendered moat valuable assistance in tlie muaieal part of theservices. Mortuary statistics received at-the National Board •of Heallh show leos aiekneaa, in-proportion to populotion, in New OrIeaii3, Vicksburg, Memph'ia, Naahville and Chatanooga, than iu New York and Philndelphia. So far uo signs of- yellow fever in the Southern cities and 'the' puhlie health was never bc\te'r. " ■ ;Elizaheth I$elville qfDēIāwai'e"City,~liel , who hos unavoidahJy assumcd thc role of' a l'emale Tanrier, hus just dieci after a oG d;iya' fuat. Sho was se,ized with an uuconquerublc aversion to solid 'food last • .lanuary, hut managed to eat a fevv oysters daily un til June 5th, when her stoniach rejected even those Sho was nourished with currant water ānd similar drinks for a fortnight loriger, but was uuahle to awāllow fopd of any sort after June 19thv īujectionn of moi'phiā were' giv<jn to ease-her'condition, but she finally died casily on Sunduy riight. Notwithstanding an absplute fast of 30 days, and the time ainen .fiiiuary 22d spent without as mueh food'as would aupport a eliilel for a week, the woman, whoae • .weiglit uuder ordiriary__.circumstatices ivas llh'U"pūuiid5, 'we!glied"150 pound3 when dead, and while Iicr 'i'iauie had very slightly fallen away, her.iace . showed no.t the Ieast trace of the terrible ordeal .through whieh slie passed, .. Au uuiiHiially -powerfnl squadron ol ships of was appcnr to he now cruising in Uhineae and .īapanes>e walers. The Daih/ P?'eA'.v-pMblishes a lis.t of 61 vensels, of whieh 21 are British, 13 Rus!sian, 7 Ainei'iean, f>- Frencli, -1 Germen, 3 Portuguese. £ Spai)ish, 1 Italinn . 1 Brazilian. and one 1 Annamesē. The Britisli fleet includes one power ironclad, one tnijret vessel, six doable 3crew. veasel3. the others being corvetles, gunboafa, HloopB,^nd one dispateli — ves8el: — Th"e lluaaiān contingenl comprises oneironclad, several formidable frigateB,' and craft of other gradeH. The American-fleet includes two frigates. and other vessels of lighter armanients. , l'lie French hnve oue frigate, and several corvettes. The Germana aro represented liv Iwu eiiLVi't'<-, aii'l twu gunboatH. The Spanish ahip- arc uii- i" u vctti*, and une dHputeh Loil. The Poi'tugucse have onu troopship, and two gunboats, Tlie Italiati, Brazilian, and Annameaē Hiiip-' aii' raeh of them, veH8i*lE of powertiil arm i-in-iiw. Ii is iin aliuoHi r iri* uccurreuce to nou* the aimuUaneo'i.i ppMenoe iu e:iHtern waters ol ■*« ininy w.ir ve*-sel.«. ')f eoui'ee the impeniling 'lilli culty aiiil the nc:ir prospect of the outbn*ak nf wnin Uliinu iiuil, ia tlie iiumediiiti> eiiiiae of so lnrge u inii>iter <>f Riiti iian eliip.i, and probably the othei nations roprese(ited have somewhatt increased fbēir. (oi'oeu :hrough i.imilar eauL'e*». B ^ m

Iiimigkj.tiox is ib« gmt iquc®>uwo of Uj« day , * for īhls Kingdom sn>d i« bdioToe «>oee who a» 'm oharg-e of jts'dc6tinlee to obeerre the gre«teet eaie. S.n tbe n>si>ttg<waeot ol ail t,hat cooeetne tbe uiftn!grant, We c*i>0ot a.flord 10 induige io any or to iisten *wlth careiese ears to any ; ,gnevanee tbāt nmy arise. be its crigin wb»titi naT. if tbe immlgrant. -w.hom, *w»baT^ <w.rselres . induoed to ««» bere i« ootoderncd 'in it» Ihe w-el*far€ ol Uawaii dep©ads_ altogetber on Ha- . wa*»'« g;apd nanie: and in eonoection • witn «vw>r * ia>a>igmtioa ^eh-e-ine we nnist proTide tor «11 v wboua we l)i'in.g here per.fee.t f'r€edo-tn, eq-uality t>fiore tbe law", good eanit*ry co»d>tijme, proper o,t v: e slmit s<kiii £»a it ditneuk *o iw.w. '.T aiw »B3ia%r«ts at ali. 8 ,"nder ti;c 5ate, regt>Ba^ilHL^tOKarnmont. -hae.. &. bcnn «ojatwi»t w$leetlul of the oond>no«. ond «, te«i;tSeat -oa th@ pkntations, ofi»iaigraot«'ft'tso -«onoī pKOpeHp he itHdred at Sn any othpr light ■thw a& of witiooal. wardte. ,Tb® 'r®spoasih-ility of "-- -l»i«igiaf 'llwi t«sro Imli-eea 'ta.St:eti \ij»q iteet£tJX, fVe geT«nmetn o: tl*e vvurtry. ana by :Kit aot li» f«rth.« dnty ?as hoe» aoaephe-i of a w*ttrhftti m>tt tltei*r interest$, ouiil >t is clear that they %»vf aetjulr&d * |»sitfea ia» whieh i'feey gm iai,e • •" < ; d Vv" " ~ •>'>'< V\V,VV

v' ' : v" '• "* s.* ••••.•» /. • t\ ..•••• N • • x ■ . ' 'o v\T v. < > ,\"x ,N, . :vvy .> .'01 »•: \ v« v% > . v* . ^ I " V . ■ ' > '% . . . . V * ■*" - w \ v- • v- ■ Jv* 1: ; *: .* - ■ ; . ; v ;■ •; . - v ■'..■ *• : .'.■ . , -:■;.:■ v •* . •> . * ." .v: . ."»■>•": ••' . •.* . •; ■•: :•; » v. v " ... * : v% v v . . - ; : .■; ■". ■; ; >; ;. \v l .. ■; -\ . ■ . ■ ; : . : . . >;"v ;;> ; ; ;<v. >;.: .; v ;\ > '; w ■ • . : . v e ■;■■,>. ;-> •".*■ ■• >;;;.*■ * VV. -. ■ • '.: :■.■>."■ . - .! .-.v .. • :. ,.v.; o ,.■.<« . . l: .■.. ;■.*.- .■.•-.•>■■ <■,:.•€•; v > v ..' :; -.n ,\ h::? ■ ', . . ♦ > 1 ; . v . v. v v v . 1 ■ v% v :*> . 1 » * : %. ; v.v . ■ ;v! ; >.:v v'.:v v>

* t ... j',ij . . v. 1.1 .1 1 *; .7v V >;;v >v:;";. .«■ v : > « • N. . - v e . e » ; . v . « ,• v ; . ;> » ■.■■ : v ;* :; vs:7;;iv v t-;y :;wt v- :!i : ::: ; v.:; !:!■; w i w; . ,.y; :; ■ V,.",'. \ .;■ . ;y; C'.:d i '. «. \ • -v *■> •• 1 > « . v .\v u \ •. if . n • . 1 • » v fw. . ••<..! » . »• x . . > % 1 v . *».,;> e*. i; : \ \xx • . x . v. ' . x. .. v 1 « . t » ». »*i* v 1 « » , ; , : ]!.:;* X V. . XV • v V • t V »1 . - . X , ,X \ X > . b » t » ? » , V , ,; ;; x". ■ \ i:; e. e. : ,::y.;c v,v;cc . : e ;■ > c:t 'o. e :.. ', . . vy . :c r:t. vc,- c:.:y..u:v . :' ::-...• j ::-.■;.■ ...;;y .:.:cv."::;. ;.-cy v,:'.] <: :.c.r .-■.■.;- ;.-: :i :;.-y :ci! W : ::.v.r_; cr:y.".-.-.- :;c :: .. i.:-.;;- " 17:.. ::: : ..- ..".■ ; r;::i c:.:.::i jrc.; £-.;■ ::c; ct,7.:\ .■ ipee..:: v :\ ::::d rrp:\: . :■■ dc.:y ::■ :o.:::c:* :;.- -.Ic;:ci \v c.::y eii'e. .: e :r. •: r;;r:r-cr-ci": v:h:c!: ; .<:c' : ■'< ::cM.''.- :r.v\vc.: ;.:v: ;c v. cf :..•■- eo ;.::■.' v.-;- ■ <■■ .■:■

tron"blc r.s a thmg binding upon hie , cf ooe ei tbe re5poii.sib„ilitie5. ico.idect to bis p.»:t'or . W e a.re"fa.r from de«riag. to >oefode i» 00« eweept»g coDdem.nat£on all rnea>bess os our eommon>t.T ot enipioyer«. ī?at- we that what we are . : sayin g now o»ght to hit home te tbe oo£>ec>e««ss • jof some m-en wbo in regaid'to otber rei&t!0>as \f • life wonld be »oet, eempolpue »« to the pwloK»anoe ol every ih.ap t.hey reeo£ttiscd »5 a onty. Others thepd»re wbvvaje.ws«ing * t>.ib!e «3Pample to tho» who »re .wtlfnily» or.- througa <*rweseneee. negleeting their dutte« to ihoee wisom 0?ey baw i!i th«if eraployv Ko.cabiy *>ri tlie Kikoiea p,lantatidn a\ Kauai, * wort'\v c\.urr'c -cxms$m>WfterW-hi>txa;ivti et\\: wī 0 i'ut\y lal»r. eiiKei- m }ilanw.iwa8 vr el<ēwl>«re. Why ahouid «ueh an ex*mtd«*s that nreee«it«d by ~*b .wiue: fo , ••■« h®"'*" stand . cn>rvnc'c> :u r. .* e ■*,*::■• tiōias v>n every one v!' wliieh snnii«r arr*agem«nte «h.ōuid exi«t ? Il «igbt to a w» : cr.r b an:crs tc >rcc.< 0. tce Ku.ukm y';.r:,- .•. " 'iii ;; f;;\ ; : cvory oro >> owarc, .wū we ecrc yc ' v . opinion. w>r, he s:rc:ig".v sc; :cwc:cB:b>> rg on y 'ik» /?... ■. '«;n'strct!.vc •> ivcvre.; ,c < .* e cr:T woe»

. . >, v \« v * \x ■ «« ' *.,;>/ v'v .*. . v% »■■■;>; »■> . ■ ■■ ? *•: v%,v ../V \«:> "."W. . . v.: ■. « . *» >:"x;,% : : .*?c * ; ,%\ .*.• \ •v:.\>' 1 . : /v * v.' \ .. c\ w v\: x5 x: % V.: \\yv>.' v '.e . v . .*■■ x , * e : x \ i' >%*xx>>c .*. \ \ ■ 5 " '. .■ > ' •> ' c_\ ,.'.'y >.: •.•■.■.■•■■:.■ ' : e v- e : c.:- yccr.c e. \: :c.cc> A v:.\ - e 5, oee ::r.; e i-wee :;■■.: y c::,;c:vcr ;.• *cccic ; e. ,1; ,w:c e. r a cc:c.:.'. : •< K:r;; :> ■-.: :r . c.,.:; c: y \v::'c '. :> vc:vc, e "cc> ■*.*: •■■>-■■ ; e."V" c:>

pc.:c. '::.:*>. l'. e .::>c.:>>:cr >yv:cpccg :rc::: :\> s : : e e. .eee;:.; v.;l! ':*<- v.cī *cric'c>:ccc . \*c pee. :y v:':c r ;;v.c\cccc:. e.ke eee :;id;\id'.:c.l v-;:c. :: !—:cvcc.cc. v :.l cy eeee. "cy bcrc cc.:d v.c.-.:y ;.*. cc:c:cc.c;:y. we.ee vcc.-.-:c :c :c ;:> .*.:>;- :-.*>>, c.cd c.c.vc ?*.:>: '.■■.■*>> ;c\:vc ::cd ::d\\:;:cc , ;-c e.: ;•:*.*: '.*,* o\.*c:cd cy e e. ccvy".;\ •.:: r.:;cvcr.,\-. l'eeeeioeo eeep ;;r yccr :*.;ri:s pc:> :'.cr.:cr. . , r , : cryc c.v\ iie :l:c ,-;cicvc::oc ccd d;i- : . \ - - , .. : .• . . ... >.,.:_ 1. .e 1 1 v o. •*:..* • e.. v.ī . Ir.;yrc\." •■.-;■:>, orT<ryri>e. e:.' ircr.;iC:oc . e: >;r:'.cr\ .c)rr, -.crjc:>: r.;:.i k;-cdrcd :cp. .ird y;-c\c e bc:rcv ;■;;;:: „";;•••■ •.; ::;c ;c :-crc i:c.;d ,*: d;:;ioyci:y .Nc;-.: y\r. \Av;:;. dl — A li.iei ' e'.wee:: hoiei > ii.. ī'ii* .i:; Kope. cdi;cr 0: (l: KoiA-ii; - r.:;d Oeioee! īe.. \r.ycr cf Ncr:"oli:. v.cs yr»vc:;:cd b\ :i:c :::;*< " cf ;'iic .M,:\.*r r> i.e \.cs ic.*viLj;; !i:s ::cc:-c ;or :i;c ric.ec 0! ir;tcti<)f :u 4 c'c..\k ti*.i:; luomiiii;. ile \7af lihen lieioio' a ;.*c.;;::.:;v::c iic;u:d < vcr ;*j .ric0,000 l'eii to I oep t!:e peee iiope i.iudcd £lit puiieo ri;d roc.o!:od li.e rr;)dc:vc*.jf- He \vi)i KUun, •■■• :hccity c'.*.d y;ivo e i -.ui : '• ..i:\ rvr :lic po-.'-'i

. . ■ ;A- A;vc::;.r :xi. >. A:s;.c... c.::d r.'. ' .\rc;:cr\ . '■.! .'..-:>' vT.::dc ;Vr -eielep e. -':r. -I::oo"; » 0: >.-.cr ". ■ :v\\;i" 1.. v.: _ :..> n. r."c> ...'. eieoie'. :«rsc.:s ...:d .... d , \.::t'r>. . v :>':■.->- rc. ::. ::c;iw eu iee. ccd cf ei' c'sc e >:..;:>::cvl c:roo:c:y cf c.Ll 0\._> .". ie eeoe :.>• : ::ryc>os fov ■. !:o. ::<_v :.r.- coo::r:c,;. :bo pror o:::cr. uvdcr , . 0. eee'. •doir ;-C5::'!o:: ir. tv!c:ior. ;c tr.e c._:- •■:_■..:>. e: :;:e ;.s'.cr.tis .• ;cyc;c.ot* •.;■•;:! a !'.:!!■ <:■■•. .; !•-.: 0: < ;-.ch :>!.:::<!. ::e pi ieeipei :o\vr.s aad ■ \ '':if.:cī->*. i:> :o*c.i>. ¥ce".i"erT c*.]u iuiiuuueeeā aaīi thV " iwoioi- • rr,e;U:> o>f e 0 :r vi t; n : e e t ; e n . Ilius;nited by '!■:*. vit'> o! ti;e >ct:;;e:\ o" th> isla.<>de, tbe porT.;. ;•> t" :i:t- Kie.p aiiii Qiit:e;i. &nd :\ uiup of £be ci'._. t* Ao'.Ui'.ii'e.;, \Vrttti»n i-.iui eouipileā bjt!<ī; i!o\\ >ov Ptico :o snu>eribevs Sf*. To be el-uinoō V." f.itiKy a RoI:;t;sou">. Tins is a bip heei'. >■' 7.r:t» \\.pe. :r.id en- inwhiuhie one. Thc d:;.-cto:y i> v-:ry eoiupleie. e.iul pketclu:s ol tbe i>!..:.ti« exoi iie:;;. Pueh ;t hooio ir.u?! euiI im-::u!.:-.'iy :-o '.lie e.iipi'eeie.liou oi" us cbioad. \Yo E.re li::rā'.\- bip e:ioupb, for so bi/j a bool;, But we v.ili >'ii.!i-i':\ >*\y (liai J-.īr. Iio\vsei Iiop uioie than kop: h> pioie.i'o ui;d uane moie iluin hip dnty in !il> .ii.". '!'■!•. and e\ery pli\nU'r, nn-ielie.il, "oueine-en i,:eii,cr -ny pur:y seckiii!: inlo'.'iiiei.iou ;;b<mt tbc i.iaiul'- *.: 1-' l:c.\e .'opj nf linwi'ei-'i, I)ireclory oi il <1. i.'u.