Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 September 1880 — Reciprocity with Gnatcemala. [ARTICLE]
Reciprocity with Gnatcemala.
I 'l'hoie is no dirily journal in this city tiuu nas a clearer perecp.tlon of tlie enonuoue hLiii':fiis that I the c.ommcrce -and manu(uetureH 6f' the l'nuwi Statc« wiiulel derive froin following uri thc policy j inaugurated hy the Hawaiian Treaty than tho | Sau I<rauoisco Pu$t. liie 3 lvvchū7it rec(iguiz':H in l t iie o.ne ot iiis most valuable (''j-lai>orers in tbc work outhned by Becretary Hainihuii J''ish, that is, l»ringing all tropie<il aiīd seiiii-Lropicii producing, but non-inanuf'acturing nationson tliis continent into reciproeal relations wirh the L'nit«d fc5tiites. 'L'he -Ilawaiiau lleciprocity 'Lreaty vvas tiie' greatest stride in commercial policy that h;is heen mnde hy any government īn mudcrn timc3. lt is the truc settlement of the vexcd fju'ēstion ol' protectionf versus f'ree trade. It gives our maiiufiiOUirers all the udvantages"of lli'e ibrmcr ;'ind our mercliants and consumers all the bcnefits of tbe latter. With the illustration of its suecess imniediately before us, every grēat journal on thc eoast ougbt to make' it its mission. -to-. cnlighten--thc people of: tlie TJnited States on the liencfits of lleciprocity. We cannot expeet otrher eities to eake the lead inmdvocating the extension of this policy, because, they do' not fe,el its udvantagcs as we do. „We have proved its' value in practices vvitli other commercīal communities it isyet only a theory.'. Ever^ eH&Ā ahōuld bemadc to inūuee the great maniitacturing eentres on thc: Atlantic to labor to extēnd the policy to somc ol' thosccountaies with whieh they trade direetlv. If New York and Boston commercial inen onee felt the benetit8, of Reciprocity with.even hu small a nation as the llawaiian Kingdom, tliey would not rest until every country 'ou tlns contincnt, froin Mexiēo to Chile, hud made a siuiilar Treaty. With such Xreaties we should, as a nation, at onee jump to a position aa a inanufueturing people that .Great Britain, Pranee "flnd Germaiiy eombined cguld hardly eope witli us. We" woula. lead thcm in exporting inanufacturēd goods as we pow lead them in'exporting food products. Ouf country would more than ever be a hive of nianufactunng industries. — »S. ]?. Merchant, Aug. 27 th e elip from- ,Hie " Celestial Empire,'' a* Rhnnglifti jTftnrnja'l> — — The^ puni8.hment ,of. eruc'ifixion, observea the Foochoiv Hē£ātd is "by nō meana uneommon in China, alth"ough it is not strictly speaking legal. Pirates are oceasiōnally nailed by t!ieir haridsand fcet tō ari X shaped cross. VVe inet a man the other day'"who had s"ecn it himself. 'l'he pira,te screained at first and fainted, but as soon as he reeuvcied he spat !it tlie„ il;igistrate and.callcd him a cuekold. Thc wrctciicd man vvas sufi'ered to.liiiger in the hruiling sun l'or three dnys.'' 'l'he Japi(iiese appcar .,t.o--bc gomg ahead m mattcrirof puliiieiil and social eeoiionu'.- We on Fridiiy quoted an extvact fit>ni a' n'ativc paper ; sliovving tliat iin industn'al society is being estahlished in Tochigi ki n for tlie pni'poae of rcclaiming and cultivating vvaste larids in various" part» of tlie empire. From another uative.paper i vve learn tliat tiiese vvorks, whieh have been under thc eonaidcration of the Govcrnment for eome years past,'- are divided into three part8. lst: ! The cuttiug a eanal from Inavvii8hiro lake through Yama gocri, and sevcral districte in the province olTvvashiro, to tlie river Fujita, in Matsūde mura, Aduchi qori, and thcnce to a prairie in thc same district, named Taimetiga harq, and constructing a" tunnel tlifōūgh a""ihountairi calle<J NumakamiTogc; the expcn8es of whieh arc CBtimatqd at 180,000 ycn. 2nd. Cutting scvcral branch eanala from tlie muin one; estiinated at 100,000 ycn. 3rd. Filling up the lake and bringing thc land it covcrs under cultivation estiinated at 2,000,000 yen. The first part of tho work is bcing prosecuted by the daily Iabour of 1,000 eooliea." Thē object of the proinoters of thesc schemes is to find profitable occtipation for thc uneihploycd, and they aeeni to mcct vvith the-support of many in fkiential meu in that country, Terbaps Princi' iTismarck ia the beHt exnmplo ia the world's hlstory of a wise mun beirig born on All Fool's Day. On Apiil lst thie ,iron.uerved Boldier and politician uttained hin fiCtli year.