Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 September 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
■ * iiis M.\jesty the King has kept within . his v >.' ' prerogative in ail recent meastires of royal acti'on, \ - and has accommodated this action in many in- ••• " -aianoea -80 ae TOrbarmpnize- witb puhiīe opinīon. Tben why the disloyal ineinuatioq| abou!t a ieok- * less sacrifice oi' " national ,xes'&ū'rees," to " in- ' "jjriou8 changes ? " Whetf'the Minis$r$ of 1S'78 - , were removed.it was deplored by some as an •• •. ' iuhuioue ehange ; yet thc renovation of some of tbe departmcnt6. ahd thq-p«Yr<>»)nriB 1Pni»ji'»- \ TTeasury afterwards justified the change. , Atid /i '" »:"wili be seen that the*ehange pf 1880 has its warfrant in pnhiie \velfare as well as (he' pre- /' ceding one. Tberetbre keep back your disloyal deelaration that t!ie " fitting \vork* for the high • plaee whieh desfiny has given to His Majesty remains undoncQ'- einee it is ,evident that- tlfe L ,.K)ng has uot;*en able to find in the. nast.,tlie. ;;y men-with who?e lielp tiiis " fitting work " might ■£ 'oe done. His. Majesty eertainly. could noi be ,■,/!•■ r,»ded by yoMr. dislbyfil spirit. ; . *■ ■■