Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 1, 8 Kepakemapa 1880 — WHO WANTS MORE CHINESE ? [ARTICLE]
An endeavor is made m eertain quar.ters to convey the impression, tha-t one-ksding poitoy I ot the new administration "is to favor a iarge ini flux of Cbinese. and to eneourage a Mongohan I immigration, and Chicese interests. reckless of 1 tbe welfare ol tbe Hawaiian'-'race>and Kingdom. . This īs the rmpressiou conveyed by eertain corres- - j5ondcnts- -to £an Francisco newspaperā*. that tbe opposition to tiie iaye Ministry \vas maīn!y based upon phiio-Mongoiian measures. l>ut \ve"are weil assured that ;tiiis iii}pressīon is ehoneotis. : inasmuch as it- does not indicate the right pari tie&j who wans.inore Chinese in this Kingdoip. | And_\y£jdnnk^w£.eaD,4£d81Alie,pniMic-mhid-fHitii-j here and abroad to a more eovreet opinion m tl»i« ; matter by the pubiieation ol tbe foIio\ving d»cuīueiu. >' Kcxoi.ei.v. -htl\ Sil, Snv— \Y,- tlu- v,;:,lei>:p:t-(l sgents t'or* -:su,irv pl:«:tstion» oa tlio Hawaiiau I.-isnās, beg K«}>eetfnlly to rerresent. to vo\tr Coi>ipaiiy, thst flie.re 'xs at tīi o tiresent tii:Se a great soarcity ol' agricitltursl !abprers 011 tliese Īslsi5,!s, anil that durjug tlie presenī-year' and ilie ne\t yesVl0t» to 2500 Ohineae JalHirers ot tliat c!sss (dire.ot froui Oiiīna.) ,-ould rea»lily liiul '&ip]oynient, s.%i jye J},t;xgby,;i5nder4»feo-f4»-oae»"g)»wr Cmupiniy '»ftfrTOr&e&i%"lo <me or I more ste:snu-rs l'roiu Canton (or otlier 0!i>ni\se p«rt) witl» i thnt olassof yassengers on l>og;r.i. ta.give i!uv: < ■ ! me»t oa iheii- aiTivsl, in the vnttivatiou nf s:igsr<-1ō:e-. | sn,i nee, .s1h)uw tl:ey so di>sire, on the foī!0\ving ternis: i ■ Tlie nieii to e«gage for tvro years, to mviw tē» doIIars , j per ino.iftli of 38 \vorking dsys (of 30 lie-ur,s) \vit!i tb,e ; nsual Iwui ain! Iedg«ig, sjid to reoeive eiglity dollars of jsaidws.gesinsdvsri.ee.' We wil! a!so •uncijeri.al;e to i:<s\- • tathe sgenis oi your f,ompa.ny the s;un of ttrenty .<tollai>s. { )>«• inaii -®s boims for eioli' niaii that sigES-sAecal aei-ee- , r. ii.t :i.vv, :erv:s. -i y . I " lri ease wemen srri\e \vith tlu» mea we- will ir,riiish j tiienv\\-itli vi 1; i i> ;.C free ii: -tīie..propox'tioii o-i ! HOl.WW ihaa ffiH\i\voman t,0 'ien mei>. lnit \ve ar.e. to p-a.y . :!'■« :. ,1-;-: :o w.,-!-. we w - ;;v t:n t\\ , :.;\ -::\vy, ::'.s p, :• d:.y. Ci: X ; ;; ecv, t, ri::s \ve lieiVi>\ ;;>:,!(■ rt;.l., t ,\-;-.r;;.'. W ifl":'.::d ;>:>;p:,\ er. tr.yj;' :,rr; v:fl, tl:t r ei :reu s,-. . s S; \ 1 £ ,':v,. x . W. .■:•-. ' :.. . ;■;. fl.. -... , '• • ;■ _ » « V» "» 1 1 »\ < » , : l .<*•(»■;.;• »» " , « {.*■;]• »\» » *»i . : :*■;:;«». *. " " \ S ' : * • ■ : k\ v ;* t » ■ " :I im I : •• U r Kc l0SL ^», ■» .M 'l'* »-iiv • .... ■ •• 1 : ih::uv V. " •• , v&rioi;s other p!jinutions. . . .T»\ •• N' <• . :» : *. .» i- M i »\- « \ , :< / \\ ••:':.: *.»»: ; :;i« s? <:.»•< :• PiantMtion8, aiui Huelo Mill * l"):2vu's. icr "NV:;isk(:i. L&unalu'ehoe aiu; .* , , »■ i" V '.< :. . *.f ;■ l. W:»:;.I ;.t k' i • i . (• r« 1 1.. :• >;::;»:r,v i :> I I Au:.*.*>. ;< r Ki::. •»•»<:. Sr.i;:.r (.\- »" ■ •• ;; To tiu H o n 1)1 o f P-o n ;/ Kini; Sing» !'-■< ni i -<■ M< St< m.. N..\ :• mk :*. c> skr«s:;;],:.< . e'i'.ui: . -Nuw we helieu- tlmt-t!ic coi:dititiii el thc j ]:,iit.)t!(.i:(- ;it tliii> liuu;. m;ikc;: tucli iiroii(is;tl, , or ;iiplic;itn.<ii :i ii(.'Cfssity . ()ur gre.it iudustry , a.t this eimo, is iu L>. haekwai'il. il" not u eriji[iled statc. ior ilie \v:uit oi' i-ufficieut hauds to carrv oii tlic iirci-Hiig work ui' ti)o jilautfrs. Nu now l:lhige ean bc uiidcrtakeii. and cvcn tlu* matured, or matiir;i)g eroj< in eertain (]ii:ti'ict(! c>atu3ot be l;ar\c;'tcd, :.iid tlit; <"Sjiort ol uur Mapie wiii iāll euoi'l ol wl);;! it ougifl tu iie, l'<jr t lie want u!' worl:iii<r j.l:nitatiuii meo. j ji,j'- \-': i'<c (Ij( jilnntcr.s \vuiit more . ( luni-i-e ; 1jci>;< u i-e li;iij(li- aie nc<:(ipd, and tlic; liojici- li oui Fortucuc:-c. or .Snuth Sca r<:cruiti- arc uot well !:n,i>)c<i. and cvcn v,h<:ii llieeo meniilii '■onni. 1 1 1 !jy iue H<jt 1:0 iu,i,ic<]i:< t<dy :iv ī ] :ibl(- , :in<l eeunoiiueal, an tlj<: eoiiU'ael ( iliinuinnii. We tiiink f.h af th<! jil;:i)t<;iti ;u<; to hliiiiie in not |javj)i!t uoml>mcd ;ii,d eu ojicialcd w j r)i iIh; (iovemuii UL >ti yc;jri! paM, ior obLaitjiuj« jmiijigj,:i.iif.ii li'oui v;i i ioiki (;lijdl,)c (piunem, an ti, obViatr:(! f.|j<; nt.m.:.iiily o! i.he jjrciih!jt [inauinw ii<.f(.:c.iLy /oī' awiiiahle )abor Aufi <iorj"l iiuy <i»iu mV. llial 'Ik- „jijjoi llion lo f)i<: lnle hij;Jily ).iiu<ou-<j Muiii- t)y, ur e i ul< ly leapoiiuihh ]or lIk*
lliinese īwpm 111 Hawaii n&i ; beeause a n\emb«r : of - the iaie Ministry strongIy advoeated . Chc j Ohioeee opium license bill. and Uie Ohina Merchants' Steamship Line subsidy ; ana the two ' Foreign Ministers strong]y opppsed the Rhode? iu'il ,to TestViet "Onheee inale immigration ; aiUiough.it is true, one of thesegentlemen, did afterwards frame a modifiea measure for the restric- ' īiou ;ōf" ~a'eerrarn''Asiatie niaie immigratīon. And the Premier of that M;n:stry. aud t;ie President of the then Board of Trade, advocated in a report , j the free praet;se of Chmese r.ieJīeos. and.advoca- . ied a bili whieh >i\vs to Jbe Ohinese doctor, or qpack as it mav be. \inrestricted praetiee nat onlv aniM? ChSnosfeJmt kan&kas,.iU)d.^^ ' Aiffiough the p'etition of the Obfceee} was only ; thae tbeir practitiotiers ruight be ailowed to prac- ! tise amoBg.their.o\\-n countrymen. -We are not" , attacb»ng bJam64o^-^H6s-Kto;alIty iowauhi 1 Chinese medieo, wiiose practise is aeeociated witb : enormous increase at home, but merely mention it ! witbother thiugs to show, who are responsibte Liiw--4he-Ghixiese^bQom_\_ar)d wbo are the,parties IwhopwanL gjore • *-> • — — — - - j lx thb San Francīsco Bulletin of the 21st ult. j appeapa a ietter slgned «• Nuuanu " and- headed * I1' Tbe Qliioesa ln iiawaii !n-whieh the writer; } evidently a resident. in llonolulu, endeavours to | \vork uponAhe well-knowu aptl-Cbih(iiē sentiment , whieh prevails. "aniong CaiiforaiansMo ereatp a preiud;ce iigahiSt rLe "Ki:\g ol' thēse lslands anu : ius (.jovermiwnt. liiui " Nuunuu " heeii a tiatrīotie ilavvu"::av> !:c wouKi (nolding the opinions he does\ I;avp he!d iiīs tongue aud not have sought te a\v:> .;>■:: u.; ■:/>:_ :icigi;i).,-urs so;:tiinents ;r.:niuv.! to :;ie peopie ofthis Kingdom and to tl:c intere-»ts o: c.ihrpsit!ent,s liere. native anei foreign . l:n'brtcnateiy, he is one of those birds too eommon everywhcre. who delight in *• fouling - their own nests." if thereby they see the ehane-e ot venting on those they dislike some petty spite. ' He aini \)ti.ois ::rpcar tu iiave. sueeecdeti s,i wc.1T'' in t;:!s g.u le ;is t,i uuve arouSc(i a very jea!ous ū eiin; in >ati Frane;sco. wiiere aiuougst ignorr.nS . poopie ii is evcii now eun-eiHl y rumored tliat Ili&' Maje.tty is in treuty wiLii ti:c Ohiiieee uoveVnniet!t ! I» Si.Il liis Kmgdōni tc, thcin ! Tlie ietter itseli eoutains more tuan one mi?-siatenient of facte. and it is tiiereiore iu 110 \vay surjirieing that those wi-o eoininenteJ upon its coiuents , īn tlie San , Pi-.ineieeo jirese eheuiil get i"ar a\vay iroui a juet ! appreciatiun uf reeent events lien- antl indulgc* īr. : criticieiu and propliecy u!";; n.uupe quite uneali- . ed fur. - | 'Uie \vritcr of thie letter deais \vitli tlie opium ; tjuesti()ii taking it for grauted that thc King hae. ! givcn iiis at!>eat io the iueasure advocated belort- . tlie l.egislature by a meraber ol' the lale Mini.«try ! an(] Niccersl'iiily carried tlicre. Upon this text Jit- | and tiic editcr of tlu: Hiilletin attcr hiiu f>re.ich lioiiiiheH ujicn. thcevila that muct result not only to ilu'. inlial)itnntu ol' these Islands,' hut to the wlnile Paeiiie t*,]uj)e of tl:e North American (,'ontiuciit, f'ruin,tl)i: <:uti?.bliijhinen$ ut Ilonolulu oi' an Opium fii ftory . To nay nothing of tlie iinpnibabilitv ii tlu: inanii(ae,Lurc and uale of oplum b<:iii/; <*v<r leg;dizftd in lliii: Kingdoiu, it iu really liKlioioiii, |o r<:iid tl)ii> proplifttift qutery in the li/'.liL ol whai wo all know and >'ocollect on the mibjftui, o, opiuin (,iunggling luto Ihe Kingdom Llu'oii);!) t)ie KiiMlium ol' (Ailil'oi'iiian /■hippin.';, and i.o Lhe piulii, oi'f>:!.n I',rmicii:co 'men uoi tlii:ftlu(iivftly o i' I.1j« ( hiiK'.iii: rtiuc, W Ijo liuii not lK:avd of a <>erlaiii jilua.nur<i iilnii' whieh lound its \viiy 10 llilo ;
or ot"boota with hoilow heelo. whieh, after doing dotv for opium amugglers. have been openIy sold m our marts ; or of l)room handles hcavier than tbey ought to have been intendcd to as8i8t their shippers in ewceping this drug through tiie meshes of-our custom Iawa? It has not been the . vessels that eaiue here froui Ohina that have given trouble to ōur ,revenue officers in the matter of opium^ biit the crafe owned and fitted out and treighted, aye, and inanned too by our neighbours in California. By tl*ur aid, and in spite of all ou r preeautions and our earnest endeavour to s earry.out the salutary laws of ihe reahu, opiuiii iias in its time bcen so pleniilul in the īelanha as to have fallen.,in price to $15 per teal. lt is then ludicrous to read these direfuJ^groph'ēcies of wbat injury the Hawaiian Kingdfom will ,.inflict upon the people of half a dozen great states from Brrtish Columbirr to .Honduras if the manufacture ofopium'be allowed here. lf opium vvere smuggled into these countries, a vast majority of whose inhabitants, by the way, neither want nor oare for ie wlio will bc the sniuggler8 ! Not Haw1 aiian merchants or ehipowners— no_l„_riQE„Haw.aii.ī an sailors and mascer mariners. It will be the same people who have always continued.to defeat the stringent'and exemplary laws of this Kingdom who have set tlie administrators of those iaws at detianee, and have made profits ever increasing with our i'ncrea8ing vigilance. This cry of danger to the vast territories of Westcrn Amenea from what we may do or leave undone in Hono iuki must remīnd every one too (orcibly of the old fable of the wolf and the lamh not to be received with laughtēr as loud as che8e homiliea are lugubrio.us. . Really \ve āhould be " breaking a-fly upon the . wheel " to notice this matter for its own sakev It is eo 8how how utterly unscrapulous. niqij< heeoine wheo thev undertak0^o^ehaiflpiou_a_ PQHncāTpaFty Ibunded" not on pi'ineiple, but on persona! feeliug, thac we havē noiieeel it at Would anyone have heeip imuginative ēnough to pieture Honolulu demoralizing a whole Cōntinent with opium had not some p'olitical and personal animue enlivened his fancy, and caused him to jsee :hrough a glass " very ilarkly. i'iii; .Miw noAiin or hkai/iii have a great duty oeiorc thein, and vvu intend to try and keep the inemhei'h 10 their vvork. They are 011 trial, apd : . musc prove wheehei* thc Iloard ean get along bettcr vvithout doctors, tlian vvitli, us a part of its 'Jonstitucney. Thc new Board fullv appreciaces this espectation ; and we undorstand that tliey dcclare in advance, that thcy vvant to ofler a wider field to medical skill, than wus 1 ' permitted under thc late regime. The new Board ia rcgiirdeda8 a business body for tlic adminisnration of aanitary aflairs,-that .will hasten "to eeek thc bcst akiil of all prautiscs, ao as to .. sonstitute-an flSsiGting McdicaTBo;ard" Oj loōle" ā~ft«r thc Iiealth of thc comniunity. «~==^zr-r--7-rrii Nkw Yoric, Aug. 24. — ThcBuddcn rcturn of heat Iiuh greutly incrēkaed themoitality of ehildrcn and agcd pei-uone, making tiiii applicationn for burial nioi'e- numemun than i,ny day this oijmrner. Many people wcro proutrated in tlio atreota. Oitt(vnit, Col., Aug. 23,— Gencral Grant and party, al'tor visiting the piineipal citieo and pointa of intoicut in this Ktate, ]eft for the i<laot vja r.he Denvor Pacific to-day. Ho v/ill ,proceed direct to> (iaieEa. - ,