Ke Alakai O Hawaii, Volume I, Number 18, 12 September 1887 — THE INDEPENDENT PLATFORM. [ARTICLE]

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Thē Candidates for Noble;> aad Rcpreseatiitif«s oā tlie Indepehd*mt Ticket looking to the welfare o£ llie Hawaiiana aijd Qjtizeiis juul§ubjsct:?of tUe KLqygdoni, *oa thoseof ōther ualion?» hold tJuit true object ot tegislation is lo sccurc thc grcatest'good for the gro»(e»t. immbcr. ',•. tliey to nj>hold the |ollowing pJatform: « |?irst: That therc are many defects? in Ihe present Coii4itisk»t whieh should* be amended befare its Hiial ratifieation. Second: Tliat the Inde|)endeace of this Kiugdom m a CoustitMjtQJiat Monarelfy be pteserved. Hiinl: Tkat tLc noveniuient >hould l>e conducted accofdīKg to pruiciples of wlse economy ; iyad Uxatioti should be equalized, sō that tbe tocs m;\y fal! :is lig!itfy on thc inas> of tbe people, , Fourth: That the, prineipal oftieers bf the Goverument t>c cloctovl f»y tlic oeople c'xeept the Mtnlsters aod Ju<lges of Courts of Record. Fifth: Thatafoivignorin ordcriofteeligiblcU ayy Qff|ce'of einoluuicnt uudcr this

I o?tth of LiJlegi<mce SeT6nth: Thafc 'be etfeouraged so as tcf' secure perfDanent and beneficial results and|||H ensure t!he prosperity of the nation.