Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume X, Number 9, 4 March 1937 — Ke Alakai o Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Ke Alakai o Hawaii

Hoopukala 1 na Pule Apau LTSNAHOOPONOPONO, JOHN A. HOOPALE Helli Kelepona 92638 HELU O KA PUKA PA, 2411 SOUTH KĪNG STREBT Hookahi Makahikl $2.00 Hookomoia ke ano he mea heīu elua, Mei 4, 1928, m* ka Hale leta ma Honolulu, Hawaii, malalo o ke Kanawai o Maraki 3,1879 SK? Aiakai o JOHN A. HOOPALE, EDITOR . A weekly paper printed and publlshed at 2411 S. Klng Street, Honolulu, Hawail, every Thursday . 'One Year '$2.00 Subscription Payable in Advance Entered as second-class matter May 4, 1928, at the Post Office at Honolulu, Hawaii, under aet of March 3, 1879.