Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume X, Number 7, 18 Pepeluali 1937 — County Body Demands Expulsion of Wolter, Dr. Chang From Ranks [ARTICLE]
County Body Demands Expulsion of Wolter, Dr. Chang From Ranks
Henry J. (Heinie) Wolter and Dr. Dal TTen Chang, foriner Democratic members of the board of supcrvisors, should be expellea from the ranks of the Democratic party, in the opinion of the Oahu Couiity Committee, for the attitude they assumed during: the Ia s t Honolulu munieipal e!ections.
Working off gxudges acquired in previous years both Wolter and Chang announced in thc Republican press that they would not vote for the Democratic mayoralty candidate— Manuel C. Paeheeo—and urged their friends to support the Eepublican candidate, in direct violatiozi of Democratic party rules.
A motion was passed unanimously reco«imending th a t the precinct clubs of whieh Wolter and Chang are members—if any—proceed to strike the?r names from the rolls—if they are there—after due notiee, hearing and other formalities provided by the party bylaws.