Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 November 1936 — H. L. Hopkins Proves Republicans Are Lying Just One More Time [ARTICLE]

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H. L. Hopkins Proves Republicans Are Lying Just One More Time

Harry. L. Hopkins, Works Progress Admimstrator, today issued a statement replying to allegations made by Arthur M. Ourtis, Assistant to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, tiiat tlieie is a $5,000,000 shortage in Missoori relief funds. The statement is as follows: I see that charges have been made by Arthur M. Curtis, As : sistant to the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, to the effect that $5,000,000 or more of drought relief funds granted by the Federaī Government to the State of Missourl prior to June 30. 1935, are unaccounted for. and that one Ēdwin E. Jones was unable to locate any record of the disposition of these funds in an audit made by ; him. . | Concerning this charge of a $5,Cf00,000 shortage in Missouri, the records of the Missouri Relief Commission are perfectly clear as to the statrus of any relief funds granted to the state by the Federai Government. The audit made by Mr. Jones inciuded only the records of the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation and Mr. Jones stated in the audit report over his signature that he did not. auciit the droughi relief accounts. The fact-s are that $6,398,131 was granied to the Stote of Mis|so«ri for <irouglU relief purposes, including bo£h \vork aud dircct | relief in drought as as for Uie bui'ixig oi feed for cattle. Tliese drought relief ac- ; counts, wliieh \vere not audlted' bv Jones, were awdited by eom-! pete«t accouatants of both Federal Governmeut aud tlie i State of axid fouiid to be correct and all funds satis- - accouuted for. These charges are made by Arthur M. Curtis, Assistan|| Ciwsirman of Uie NaUonai Repuhiiean Conuuiltee, who is Uie same CurUs who uiade cliaxges about iudividuals of Uie \\TA iu jMissouri, whieh chai-ges iu every }Singie case were proven false by | eomplele iuvestigatioii, He is &lso |Uie &wne CmUs who, with |Use oi iunās o£ Uie Hepublican |NaUoual eouuuiuee» empioyed a faru;er auvi lurevi somt? cows to parade up and down a WFA sidoiii ArcAdia foi Uie beueUt of a Rcpubk;iu ue\vsi\xi.