Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 Nowemapa 1936 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

STATBMENT OF TH« OWNERSHIP, MANAG EMENT. * CIRCULATION, ETC.. REQI IRED BY TIIE ACT 0F CONQRESS 0F AUGVST 24, 1912, O? K£ AIAKAI O HAWAII publi£iied Weekli" al liouoluiu, Hawall for October 1, 1936. Before me, a Notary Public ii; and for Ihe and county aforesaid, personallj' appeared JONAH KU>L\LAE, Jr., who, having been duly sworn accordtng to law deposes'ar.d says that he is the BUSINESS NL\NAGEK ol the KE ALAK.AI O HAWAII aiia Uiae the foilowlng is, to the beat oJ iiii ki;owicd&c axxd beiie£, a u'ue $LHeiueut vl the owuersiup, iiuux;igo - ment ū;;id if a paper, Uie circulationj, et-c., of the Aleresaid publication for the di\te shown in the above eapūon, re- ! by the Act of August 24. 1912, embodied iii sectiou 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, to wit: 1, That the names and addresses of the publislier, cdit and business msyaagers are: 2, owner is: K.UMAiw\L PUBLIi>IiING CO., Honolulu H&waH 3, That the known bondholders» n\ortgagees, and otlier , security hoiders or liolding 1 per ccnt or more of total aniounl o£ bond£, mortgases, or other socuiilics axe' NONE. ■ | Pub!isher—JTQNAH KUMALAE, £r„ Honoiulu, Hawiui. ! Edltor•-ROBERT A. NUI, Honolulu, Hawaii I Bnsiness Manager—JONAH KUMALAE, Jr ; hor., Hawaii JONAH KUMALAE, Jr. to and subscribed bcfcre me thts tsth dav of October 1936. (SealJ M. E. THEVJBNI» t Notary iMy comml«9ion expires Januarjf 2, i?3V