Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 Nowemapa 1936 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
"We have no more aulhentic news from the mainland about the Presīdentia! eleetion, but we are assured that Gov. Landon is marching steadily on to the While Hou«er' At that time suc.h staujich. supporters of the Republican candidate as the Kansas Cīty Star, whieh first discovered Landon's presidential potentialities and "buih him up'" to the artificial stature of a candidatē. ai:d the die-hard ' bitter Chicagro Tribune, hād issued extras blazing the iniformation that Pres. RooseI velt had been landslided into office. remavkcd a cyakal hearer of Ērown's Fmal idntortion, **lhe on!y march Governor Landon wiil make on the White House is to beg for some more federal relief ;money to keep Kansas from ®tarvīng! M The eleetorate of Hav?aii, comparing the ae\vs tion &nd suppression of the Star-Buueiin, the īyin>r radio broadcasts of Rayraond C. Fro\vn. llu' ; s r"rr.»te fact founded of ilie Domocratio Territorial Cential OommiUee — whenever. thoy \verc aule 10 obtai.n a preqious five minules of iime on the rad?o — kr.o\v now who \vns te!!:n£ thc truth. the whole truth ns it was nvnilaMe. and notlr'n£ but the truth! The e!ectorate of Hawaii must reaīlze now how lt wai ! duped, deceīved» and defr*oded by the Star-Bu!!etm, Raymond C. Brown and th« ! R«j»ttb!ic*n T«rrltorsal Cenifcr*i Committee, for the so!e P®TK«e of the *otm into W!ievu\g that |Gov<Mmoc "Wli*t'«-hi»-n«uue- , | th«t-fe!!ow-from Kaai&i?" had a ehanee of beiaft eleeled President» so that t|iey " , wouid c!imb aboard the a&tioTia.l band-wagon —- plaee Hawaii in the same Re- ! pnMiean eolumn v» ith Mame mml V«rra<mt! We hope that it \\ill be a L !onsr. eohl, day in Hawaii bofore the voters of Haw*ii forjret the foul trkk that vsaji played upon them Jast Tuc?d»y! īf tK\v remember tlk*t trick* thcre i»