Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 Nowemapa 1936 — WHAT SEZ YOU? [ARTICLE]
(EBITOR'S NOTE—-Hii!? space h to be devoted to the pub!>rafJon ot Lettcrs From tbe ePople~ln~other w6l i as, a »ieans bj whieh the otherwise inarticrJate g fthe cojrununity—Democrat, Repub!!can, Prohibitionist, Socfalist Communist, Thirdpartyer or Inde£endent —may Wow off steam, AU that is asked is that the communications be as brif f as poss!b!e and keep within the laws of libel and decency. The views expressed in this eolumn do not necessarlly represent the vīws ot Ihe THE HAWAII DEMOCRAT, but we will be glad to prīnt them—whatever they aie—provided the name of the wrlUr apears on the eommunieation, although the 'name wlll not be revca!ed when request is made that it be kept secret.)