Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 Nowemapa 1936 — Republicans Charge Farley Discriminates Against Hawaii Again [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Republicans Charge Farley Discriminates Against Hawaii Again

Another case of rank discrimination on the part of the Roosevelt adniinist,ratio>i against Hawaii has been disclosed in press dispatches from Wa-shington ; and leading Repuhlieans in the Territory are eonsidering taking the matter before the Supreme Court of the United States to ascertain whether something eannot be done to correct this vile situation. Postmaster-General James A. Farlev, who so successfal!y ran the Democratic national eampaign, was auoted as remarking to newspapermen in comment upon the election results: "As Maine goes—so goes Vermont." Eepuhliean leaders in Hawaii consider the fact that the post-master-gfeneral eiitirely ignored Hawaii s statu> n 'i"- Rēpublican eolumn — with Muine and Vermont.—ns an lmult of the worst sort! In this connection Democratic leaders are discounting heavilv the prevaient rurnors to the effeci that immediately after the eoiivf , ]His' e ; of the next Congress in January the Democratic a<īministration plans to slice Maine and Vermont off the northeasternmost corner of the United States and give fhem to Canada ;so that dominion might foe plagued by another Alberta, and that the Democratic administration plans to present the new Phiiiipines commonweaith mth fhe Hawaiian islands as a gift— in order that President Roosevelt's victory might be made unanimous. Winne's Message Also in this connection it must have been very comforting indtcō to John D.M.X,Y Z. Hamiiton, the political mountebank who thought he was a national partv chairman. to receive from James P Wume, Rcpublican na- ■ lionai c(.itinii ; ueman from Hawaii, thr rhr»-nng news that: "Hawaii proudly retains its plaee in the Republican eolumn. We very eheered by news from Repubiican headquarters th a t Governor 'What's-his-name • — that-fellow-from-K an sa s?' is carrvirig mainland by landslide. Yours for four years of Republiean rule and rtiin." At that time Mr. John D.M.X. Y.Z. Hamilīon was trying vainly to dig his way out of the s'ome 25.000,000 votes that an outraged Amenean public was piling up for President Roosevelt.