Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 30, 30 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Liberty, Rabidly Anti-Roosevelt Magazine, Concedes His Re-Election, With Completely Democratic House, Senate! RIVENBURGH URGES ELECTION OF DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE TO WORK WITH DEMOCRAT SOLONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Liberty, Rabidly Anti-Roosevelt Magazine, Concedes His Re-Election, With Completely Democratic House, Senate!


Liberty magazine, most bitter anti-Roosevelt pubiication in the United States for the past aeveral years, has conceded the re-election of the President by at least three electoral college votes, together with the return of heavy Democratic majorities in both the national senate and house, Bertram G. Rivenburgh, Democratic candidate for deiegate from HawaiiHi"telling his audiences in the closing days of the present campaign.

"When such a hide-bound, standpat and rabidly antiAdministration magazine as Liberty concedes the return of the Democratic administration to power, there is only one thing for Hawaii to do—send a Democratic delegate baek to Washington so that he may work in perfect harmony \vitli the _incoming Democratic admmistration and obtain all of the manifo!d benefits to whieh Hawaii is entitied, but whieh ean be obtained only by a Democratic delegate, as the past two years have proved. "And the voter» of Hawaii should elect a Democratic majority of the, board of supervisors to eompel Mayor Wright to work in harmony with Admimstrator Frank H. of the Works Progrew Adminiatration to insure that tRe city and county may ohiain the fuīlest benefits possible from the WPA funds, whieh already have totalled more than $9,000,000, "new" money poured m from Washington to save our people from destitution and starvation. "Furthermore, in gratitude to Pre&ident Roosevelt and his adminjstration, to show him and his co-worker* that the Territory of Hawaii appreciates the maxiy houndle«» benefits that have been received by ihe&e islands from Washington, the electorate of Hawaii should vote uoanimously for every Democratic candidate for the Territoriaf , m order to upho3d the hand of. Pnip. dexter, the per&onal in Haw*u of the Pre«dent. Only in this way ean the voters of Haw&ii $how their appreciation—the same appreciation that is being shown, according to the Liberty magazme poll, by the mil!ions of voters on the mainland. "I have heard that Eugeae H. Beebe, one of the Rerpublican candidates for senator from Oahu, made a ststement, while speaking on beiialf of the Republican partj r in the 1934 campaign, to the effect that 'We ean cut Goy|ernor Poindexter's throat and laugh at him—if W e elect all Republican members of the lejjislatureJ } "Beebe's St&tement Inconceivable" | "Sueh a statement, coming from a man who is now a f candidate for that same legislature, is inconceivable ī The [ only reason he advances for the election of I legislators is that so they may cut Governor Poiuiiex.ter*s throat—what a campaign issue! As I have said before, Governor Poindexter is the personal representative in Hawaii of President: Roosevelt. If the Hawaiiaa legialature euts Governor Poindexter's throat, it is only cutting President Roosevelt's ,throat».and.aoy intimatlon oi auy such action, getting back to Washington as it undoubtedly would do in jig time, would only result in the administration's turning a cold shoulder upon Hawaii. "Consequently, if this tliroat-cuttins busiiie4s is $oiafi to begin, the only, uliimale result wouU be Uial the thxoat 41 Ten-Hory would bc cut by kavui£ our reiief »llotmente and tlie pther benefits—the benefiU to Uie su«ar planters, the pineapple canners and every other indut try in Hawaii—either reduced drastically or elimiaated entirely. "What elae could you expect when the voters of the Torritorv, by electing Republican candidates whoso ou<v ''orv to *cu't Governor Poindexter's throat', to pubthat they do not appreciate tho_niany mil--1 ot dollars whieh have eome to this Territory ihro;;gh '.ht ;.v tio:..- of the Democratie administration? "Vote The Straight Democratic Ticket" ~C onsequonti>'', 1 sav to you, that, for the best interesus of Hawaii a whole, for all the people, and to sho\% ihe gratitude of this Territory for the mani iind hounuiul t'avors u has received from the present incomiiig Pemocratic administration at Wash|ngton» the voters ei tl:ese islaiuls $hould: Send back to W ashmgton a Deroocratic delegate to woi-k in the fullest of harmony with the Demoi:r«tic administration—in the harmony that ts not po**ible a Republicaji delesate to achieve. M E!ect a majority of the DeakiKi A Uc c&u»iiuAtcs fot the Honolulu board of supervUor* that they might eompel Mayor Wright to work in h*rmonv with the Woeki

Progress Admxriistration and Honolulu might talie ful! advantage of the many improvements that could be achieved for this city and county through full cooperation between Administrator Locey and the munieipal administration—cooperation that has not been aind eonnol be achieved if Mayor Wright is given a HepuoKean board of supervisors, because then the only purpose of the administration would be to see that their political henehmen got good, £ar jobs—and the hell with the best interests of the city and county! "Elect every Democratic candidate to the Territorial legislature, so that those men might stand together in upbolding Governor Poindexter—and President Roosevelt—. not 'cutting Governor Poindexter's throat/ as seerns to be the only purpose of &€ present RepubTican candidates£xplains Liberty Poll The Libertv poll, Rivenburgh declared. was based upon replies to questiormaires from 5,145 newspaper editors throughout the nation. Despite the fact that a majority of these editors favored Landon hemselves f or eontrolled newspapers whiqh were advocating Landon's ele;ction, their confidential replies indicated that most of them believed President Roosevelt would be re-elected by at least three electoral col]ege votes, Their replies indicated that the Democrats will obtain a minimum of 268 seats in the house of representatives, with 157 Republicans, 7 Progressives and 3 Farmer-La-borites. ' While it is mathematica!ly impossibie for the Republicans to gain control of the next national senate f the Liberty editor's poll indicated that the Democrats will' win 20 of this election's 36 senatorial contests, raising their total to 67, as against 27 for the Republicans and one eaeh for theProgressives JFaxrner-Laborites. "This Liberty poll," Rivenburgh concluded, "coming as it does from a magazine whieh has descended to almost any depths in its criticism and blackguarding of the Roosevelt administration editorially, ean mean only one thing-—Presidenl; Roosevelt, an.d a Democratic house and se«ate will be swept into office again-—for four more years of prosperity, expecially for HawaiL "H is up to the voters of Hawaii to support tlxat administration by voting the straight Democratic ticket otherwise they wiil be 'cutting their own throats/ if l jaay borrow a phrase from the Republican candiaates.''