Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 28, 22 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Our President Hawaii Republicans Want "Relief" From New Deal Benefits! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our President

Hawaii Republicans Want "Relief" From New Deal Benefits!

"Hawaii Wants Relief from tlie New Deal," shouted Raymond C. Brown, double-crossed and defeated Republiean candidate for the office of city and eounty elerk at the recent primaries ? who still is serving the GOP as its highly-paid executive secretary, over tlie raido Wednesday night.. The tmplication was, of course, that the Territory was sick and tired of the New Deal of President Roosevelt and desired to be relieved of carrying on its burdens (?>. Does Mr. Browiv contend that the Tesrritory is siek and tire4 of recei\ing the beneflts of the Works Progress Administratioii, whieh has poured some $9,000,000 into the islands since the inception of tlie program in May, 1983? Does Mr. Brown contend that lit would be better if the Territory were "relieved" of the necessity of receiving and administering that fund to save some 7,000 faithfui workers from starvation and destitution? "Hawaii Seeks Relief from the Xew Deal," ra4ios Mr. Browu. And just exactly wliat does he mean? In its next issue THE HAWAII DEMOCRAT will publish a statement of the condition, stock prices, and dividends of le*admg H"awaiian sugar and other corporations as of the present and as compared with the vear, the last eomplele year in whieh the lat« but unl;uuented Herbert Hoover tnisserved this nation as President of the United States. Wheu thal comparative stateuient is pubUslied, THE IIAWAIi DKMOCnAT wili a*k 3lr. Br«wu whether these are the benefits of wliieU he declares that Hawaii to bc relieved." We will await lus replj" with a sreat dc.U of iuteresi. "Hawali Wants to be Relicved of the Bouefits of the New Deal!" Faugh—and a eoupk of f&ushs! Wait until Mr. Browu reads that statement! 'Tt \vfts a ropresentaiive ot the nreh-H?p\jWiean New Yoik lleraW Tribune. sent to Kausas to endeavor to explain away tiie arehaie edueational system. in that State, who admitted: 'No f\indamental ehange has been in 6S years; Wliat is this v;aunted Kansas ecenomy? Does this sort of eeonomy imply that h\mdreds of Ameriean youngst€rs shall eonlinue to forego their JnteFieetuiil and nioral Mrthright to proinote the arti Heial bailyhvx> of a Hearst 'bud-8-et-baiancer r'~fX Wayne Ga iette. vDem.)