Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 27, 15 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Two Women Columnists Appraise Landon -- Find Him Woefully Wanting [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Two Women Columnists Appraise Landon -- Find Him Woefully Wanting

f Aliee Roosevelt Longworth in Ladies' Honie Journal for July, 1935— "Another name mentioned is that oi Governor Lan d o n of ol KaiiSAā * His i'neiKii 4♦ * teil you keep ;ui eye ou Lai;don and reeite his his availabHity for the nominatlon. But when you get one of these friends into ft corner for a pvivate conversation he will assert tliat Goveriipr LaMon is splendid timber;' Dorotlii' Tlionipsoa (.Mrs, Sinclair LewisV in the Republiean New York Herald-Tribunf September 16,1856— "If one tries with the most honest, objective and even anxious to Ihe iuxpression tlu\t Landou is creating, !t ls the iiupressioft of the future. of taWnsr cover under old forn\ulas and old procedures. Tt is the impression o|f fear- <if what lies aiouna us, visibie on all sides *♦* And Mr. f&iosevelt ereat«§ the inipressio% of affirmation, of movemeni 6f reeogiiition, anel ©f feellnj| #iat t)vis nation is strong e|iough &n<i powerful enough, way, some how, to Up luture head ojv,

and work"aut new ct lil.e wlueh eoulomi to the realitles of Uie time kr wliieli livef