Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 27, 15 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Landon's Economies Would Hurt Only The Common Laboring Man [ARTICLE]
Landon's Economies Would Hurt Only The Common Laboring Man
Could the Republican party make good its campaign promlses of "drastic eeonoiniea?" asks the Philadeipliia RecorcL (Ind.). It could. answers Relief Admlnistrātor Harrv Hopkins—but only by making the unemployed pay for those economies. Hopkina points out that onJy 3 per cent of Federarrclief money goes for Federal aflmīnīstration. That 3 per eent cannot T»e cut appreciably—and any cut iu tlie other 97 per cent means that the uaemployed, now receivinj enough for bare s,ubsistence } will suffer. AIl the talk of "smianctering" iand "waste" breaks on that one lroeTt of fact: Drastic economles cannot be made without hardship to tlie unemployed wliieh, in tuxn, would m;'an another slump in business. The whole debate pro and eon the New Deal tfurns on that posnt. Until the Cr O P r,an show how it couid save money with- | Out doing far more hann thaji „„ good ; its whole criticism o? ! Deal spending is worthless and demagogic. "