Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 26, 8 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Landon's Birthplace Goes "American Way" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Landon's Birthplace Goes "American Way"

West Middiesex, Pa., Sept. 19 Oimial registration for the 1936 Presidential election in this township, birthplace of 6w. Land<m: Democrats, 291; Repnblicans, 259. The G O P Presidential nominee recently pa!d a home-eoming v!sit here.

" On the heels of the news from the State of Washington, showing preponderance of Democratic registraton in that former G O P stronghold, at the ratio of three Democrats to one Republiean, eame the annc4mcement that incomplete registration reln Permsyivania revealed a Uemocratic gain of one million in the last four years. That cold fact faced Messrs, Grundy, Mellon, Pew, Reed et al and their 01d Guard associates who graced the platform at Gov. Landon's Middlesex birthplace apeeeh, as they contemplate the margin of 157,000 votes by whieh the Keystone State was held in the GOP eolumn, fo\n years ago. The story. of the jrise.of Roo§evelt sentiment in ,PennsylYania i*s.plainly told in the enrollment figures: Rep. Dem. 1932 2,911,068 833,977 1934 2,624,388 1,401,005 1935 2,631,491 1,691,173

Democrats were confidently claiming an additional lead of 200,000 on the finai date of reglstratlon in the cities, Oct. 3. Meanwhile, gains by Democrats and lossea by Republicans were shown in every one of first ten counties to make returns to Harrisburg. Democratic gains on the last registration were 33,572; Republican losses, 13,711. The Aiiegheny county (Pifctsbuxgh) returns were typicaL For the fiifet time| in history the >Democrats are on the way to surpassing the G O P in that county. Repubiican registration majority, whieh in 1932 was more ttoan 31&.000, had been slashed ,to 5,421 on Sept. 19, with the gain in daily enrol!ment indis cating this will be wiped out by fche last day, :Oct. 3. īn the eity of Fittsb<urgh*Democrats iead by 18,704.