Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 25, 1 ʻOkakopa 1936 — Democrats Offer Excellent Ticket Of Supervisor Candidates Pledged To Support Manuel C. Pacheco Plan [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Democrats Offer Excellent Ticket Of Supervisor Candidates Pledged To Support Manuel C. Pacheco Plan
Strbngiv supoiliiig the eampaien of Manuel C, Paeheeo for outnght, eleelion al Ihe primai*y as mayor of the city and'county of Honoluīu, the Democratic party has plac.ed an especia!ly strong llst of supervisorial eandidates in the field in an effort to resorue the munieipal government from the present giip
whieh threatens to thrott!e the vofcers and taxpayers of the community into a venial submission reminiscent of that of Mussolini in Italy and Hitler ip Germany. īhe I»emocratic supervisorial candidates are:
tester Petrie, present Territorial Senator. Joseph V. Esposito, doctor and lawyer. Waltei' H. Jarrett, scion of a fam!ly that has plaved a large part in the history of Hawaii since the days of the monurchy. Fred K"aeck, resident of Kaimuki who is advocating the in-
terests of that fast-growing district. Dr. Harry I, Kurisaki, cpnverted to the New Deal poiicies of Presldent Roosevelt by th e boundless benefits that have aecrued to Hawaii under that administration.
John (Soapbox) Monit, the "workingrman's candidate" on cltiier ticket, who is making » &Ufprisingly strong race, Charles D. Rosecrans f ful !ndependent businessman. Mts. Rose l. tsclii!Hng, !ong; and loyal Democratic worker who ls ruiu|igif to prot«ct the «I *U women resi4ents of Oahu. George C. Bcnevedes, son. of Frank Benevedes, long a lea4er in Democratle politics in HawaiL "Xmmg Benevedes, former jwesi|rf Mjo Si, Lo)ās Aluj9ini t was employed for 12 years in an execntfve capacity l>y the Territorlal govemment and now is enfaged in his own private business. i Prmted herewith are the pieturea ol four of the Democratic supervisonal candi4ates, tbe iilu inhone of the others having ! been crowded ohat by laek o! space. I There follows a brief, thumbnaii description of eaeh of the I canoidate3—seven of wiiom are jto be noailnated. I Lihollho sehoo! lmj>rovements. Limlualei ammunlWon depot, clearing and improvements Malliili stream widening. Lua-' iuaiei. Metcalf avenue p!ayground. Pauoa Park iniproveiiieiits. Tripler Generai iiospitai, Roose?eit iiigh school athletic field, stediuni and roads. Waialua Park. * - Wailupe raaio staUon, Universtty of Hawaii 'niprovemei>te. amphitheater ments, ampitfcerefcter. Mood control over the Kalihl, Lanakila, Makee Islnnd and Pauoa streams ?o!m\ Kodgers Alrporl en!arg#went and Jmprovement«. Kapahulu Piayground Milleī street playground. I Nuuaniu - PuneWmi - Makiki | and bouievard. i*ubHc sehool improvemenls «ad *dditions—Hauuia, Kalakaua» Puuhaie, Likeiike, Lunaliio and McKinley high sehool. Tmprovements to the Terdtol?*» 1 ! and $oTf course i "Pprrttor!al Host>H«l t\>«d Improv*lnents. Waimlae Nurs«ry. -"Palolo dna\n&£e eanal Mowaa i>ark and Aia Mok&pu road and "fish a«d g*uie f&riu. Mos<iuiw conirol, Henoluiu aa<! Wahiawa. Oninanee Dep o t in\prv>vements. Palolo goif oourse P«erl Harbor — &bm*rlne fleet aSr Cor*i remova; Wakiki beach. awnue extension. Dftte stmt extenslon. «,mi Monsarr«t aveo.ue