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If anything eve-r were needed to mak<r inoie certain the re-election -of Franklin Delaa© Roos'eyelt, it was surely supplied by the latest attack of the newsp"apers and allied periodicals of William Randolp Hears upon the President on the ground that he has attracted the support of unnamed Boīsheviks, Communists, Reds and other assorted peoples of various eolors. The asinine attack of the Hearst iriterests upon the President and the Democratic party wh.ieh he heads is of considerable interest and moment to the residents of Hawaii. It is the Hearst interests &nd periodicals whieh continually brihg up the question of the so-called "Oriental Menaee" to institutions. It is the Hearat interests whieh continuously harp upon the alleged menaee of the so-called "Yellow Peril." It is the Hearst interests whic|i crucified and pilloried Hawaii not so many years ago wilh wild, weird and highly imagnative tales of "Hawaiian natives lurking in the jungles on watch for any unsuspecting white men or women." It will be a long, cold day before Hawaii ean ever recover from the black eye that the Hearst interests plastered over the Territory at that time. It was the Hearst"interests whieh M discovered Governor Landon, the hitherto unknown executive of thc state oi Kansas, whose vacuous picture is so prominently displayed at all of the rallies held by the Republican party in ilawaii. lt was the Hearst interests that so publicized that "average" pieture o£ an A m e r i e a n citizen to the people of the United, in an extravagant "build-up" such as this nation has never witnessed before, that the supine Republican party took Hearst at his own word and nominated Landon in a convention that wss a travesty upon the American form of choosing its publie servants! Incidentally, it was the same Hearst interests that, during the world war publißhed documents, subsequently proved to be outright forgeries, in a vain attempt to embroil the United States in international affairs in such a i'ashion that we could not enter the world war on the side on whieh the nation finally did enter that world war. It is the Hearst interests, particularfy in California, were that notorious creature live» in baronical medievai fashion on his immense ranch at San Simon, that have been the greatest and most potent opponents of the statehood status that Hawaii so richly deserves and for whieh the Democratic party has foughl for so long. ■It is the Hearst interests, led by the senile simppleton of San Simon, who will control the federal administration in the very unlikely event that the Ameriean people turn against the best friend that they have had in the Presidency since īhe days of the late President Woodrow Wilson, and choose the innocuous Governor Landon as their "horse in the middle of the »tream"! The voters of Hawaii. when they go to the polls on

October 3, should remember that fact! "What chances in the wor!d would Hawaii, where "natives lurk inthe jungles on watch for anv unsuspecting white man or woman"— according to the Hearst newspapers, haye in Washington with an administraation that is controlled by such an idiotie ignoramus? Would Hawaii receive the same consideration that the Territory has received from the hands of President Roosevelt whose words—"Aloha. from the bottom of my heart"—stil! ring in the ears of such persons as were privileged to hear him 011 that momentous occasion in the grounds of lolani Palaee? . Bv their support of Governor Landon for the Presidencv. as exemplified in the signs whieh adorn the speaking stands at every rally of that party f the Republicans in this Territory now stand up as supporters of all the policies of William Randolph Hearst, the arc.h-enemy of Hawaii! • A vote for Ihe Republican ticket in the coming primary eleelion is a vote in support of the e!ection of Governor Landon—in other words, a vo'te in favor of the po!icies of William Randolph llearat! A vote for the Democratic ticket in the commg primary eleelion is a vote ia support of the re-election of Pre»ident Roo_sevelt —-in other words, a vote the policies of that same sadistic Wilīiam Randolph j Hearat! | We hope that Delegate Sam King, who k making ; his catnpaign for re-election solely pn the issue of statehood for Hawaii, and outstanding figures in the fight for statehood for this Territory as Senator Joseph R. Farrington and iSpeaker Roy A. Vitousek o£ the house of representatives ? enjoy their new bed-companion—he should be interesting, if nol iiistructive! t , —oOo— Subcribe to THE HAWAII DEMOCRAT