Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 24, 24 September 1936 — Republican Campaign Boomerangs! [ARTICLE]
Republican Campaign Boomerangs!
Mavor Fred Wright has publicly deserted the rest'of ■th.'e. on the Republican ticket earlier this eampaign than has been his haßit ih the past when—fearful over h}s own political skin—he has had the orders go down to the "Wright gang" in this fashion— 44 Work for Fred Wright-—and Fi*ed Wright only—the h-11 with the rest of the Repiiblicari iiekei" At least that is the inference that is to he drawn frcm His Honor's speech at the oppening of the Repuhl'iean campaign at Aala Park, where he was quoted hy the Advertiser as foIlows: "1 don't care whieh seven of the supervisori&l ēandidates you elect—but let them be men—WHETHER RĒPUBUCAN DĒMOCRAT—who wiīl Kelp us further our progani of puhlie improVements <S!C). M In other words, in this Mayor Wright adniits thāt he already has sent āown to his henehmeh these ' 6rders—"Work for Fred Wright—and Fred Wright only—the h-1! w?th the rest of the Republican ticket !" And the self-kidding Republican leaders emphazise through their controlled press the supreme harmorty that fhojr party—while the head of their munieipal ticket <»} h advocates the election of Democratic supervisorial candidates! It is to laugh! Eugene H. Beebe, former feprevSentative of the "Big Five" and al!ied interests from the 4th district whose dome has appārently swelled to the point where he believes that he nierits the title 6f "Senator" before his namē, ties with Mavor Wright for the leadership in politieal "boners" tommined by Republican candidates at their o p e n l n g ralhes. - - ' "The legis!ature, lam sure ( " sobbed the usually keen Mr. P.eehe, wiping the crocodiie tears from his brimming eyes, "never intend6d that lei women, newsboys and bootblacks should be taxed a few pitiful pennies on their āalea, yet that is what a Democratie territorial administration is doing." isn't it, Mr. Beebe? But how ean you, not a member 6f the last Repub!ican-controlled legislature, be so sure as to what that legislature intended» unless it is - true, as reported that you told those Republican legis!ators what to do! That Republican-controlled legislature passed the gross ineome tax law, presumably knowing what it was doing at the tīme—although that presumption may be open to cohsiderable argument! That'law was int.erpreted hy the Territorial Attorney General in unmistakable terms. Announcing that he himself doubted that the Repub-lican-controlied legislature knew #hat it was doing when it passed that law, the Democratic Tax Commissioner, who had also taken an oath ofoffice to enforce the laws—and all the laws—wiihout freg[uently remmdmg himself that he is an Amei-iean citizen and a gentleman, as the Republicans find it so necessary to do—regretfully reached the conclusion that under the law, as passed by the Repub"ean !cgMat»ire, he couTd not keep his oath of office withOut taxing the lei vendors, the newsboys and the bootblacks for whoae fate Mr. Beebe's heart now so unaccountably overflows! "The legisīature didn't mean it that way—(the Repuhliean legislators did not know what they were doing) —" so sobs Mr. Beebe all over the landscape until appears ■as though we will need some more WPA flood controi projects to avert a repetition of the Johnston disaster. "And now the Dempcratic Territorial administration keeps ,its oat.h of office by enforcing the law as it was written by the Republican-controlled 3egigiature." What a campaign iawe for a supposedly politician such as Mr. Beebe used to be ! Mr. Beebe, we thought bettef of you than that! 1 !