Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 23, 17 Kepakemapa 1936 — Murray Stands on Good Record Established In City Auditor's Office [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Murray Stands on Good Record Established In City Auditor's Office

A va«tly improved accounting system 'in the city and county department. whieh eontrois the expenditure of public funds in the municlpality, is the basis af the campaign of Edwin •P. Murray for re-election at the primary on the Democratic tick,et. .. For the first time in the history of the county govemmen*t of Honolulu, whieh stretches back to 1907, Murray hās been iable to bring up to date the audiiting of ail munieipal departments, a task whieh restulted in the uneart-hing of defalcations in recent previous Republican : administrations, for whieh Āuditor Murray re.ceived the universal aeelaim of the citizens of Oahu but incurred the enmity of i the -friends of certain former officials whose misdeeds had been disciosed by the searching investigation of thelr accounts, whieh |!ed to several criminal prbsecutions.

For Auditor

Murray, long the purchasing agent of tfte Kamehameha Schools and henee oonversant with the econon4es that may be effected through a centralized purchasiri g e! epartm ent. has advocated the establishment of such a bureau in the ctty and county since 1933. Marray was bo.rn in Hanalei. Kauai, and has lxved in Honolulu since 1904. He was graduated from Kamehameha schools in j 1909 ana ihen attended Puna(iiou ior a short time. lii 1910 he weiii to work for McCabe, Hamilton <fc Renny and was with that eoneem for 12 iyears, He became associated with the Matson Navigation Co. as paymaster when ii undertook its own stevedoring at the beginning of 1922. : He remalned with the Matson Companv until July 31, 1923, , when he accepted a position as piuxliasing agent, accountant and cashier at- the Kaanehameha schools following the appoint!ment of Prank E. Miflkiff as ;president of. that institution. , Wniie with the sehool Murray also taught ,clemjentary book-t-o the senior dass. In 1932 he was electēd Auditor of the City and County on the |Democratic tlcket when he deleated James Bicknell. who had t been auditor for 26 eonseeuUve ! years. ! Murray was reelected in 1934, runnlng against Henrv Nje and Thomas Treadwav in the primaries, and agamst the latter in Uie general $teetion. Murrai- said. 'I am promising the people the same Mnd of falthfu! arsd diligent pnhlio serviee that I have tried render them durii\g my three aiul a half years here." "Our policy ? wliieh I inUuul to eonlinue, ls ihat of letting the pfcsblle know the sUtu:s of mun!eipal affi\irs and flni\nces T have been crlUsed by ot-her officiais for th|s, but I think the pubiic has aii«ht to ktvow what ls going on #id ī shall eontin\ie t-ell T am reeleeted." Mr. Murrs& ls married and has two aiivi resides at IGSC> Kewalg Str^it,