Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 23, 17 Kepakemapa 1936 — Ernest N. Heen Seeks Re-Eleetion As Clerk At Oetober 3 Primary [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ernest N. Heen Seeks Re-Eleetion As Clerk At Oetober 3 Primary
Improved anel extendecl servlee in the office of c-ity and county clerk during thē past four years is the foundatiQn upon whieh Ernest Nalani Heen is waging his present campaign for re-election at the primary. After having defeated the yeteran and hitherto redoubtable David Kalauokalani, who had seryed in the office since the inception of munieipal govemment on Oahu, in 1932, Heen repeated this performance in the 1934 elections, but was elected at the primary bv receiv*ing more than half of the total vote cast on the island. Heen inaugurated a greatly improvea system of keeping the records of the board of supervisors available at all times, an innovation in the munieipal clerk's office whieh drew eommendation from Republicans. as well as Democrate familiar wit the workings of the city government.
For Clerk
Improved Effioiency He also has installed a more comprehensive and converiient system of k<?eping track of the registration.s of voters so that the'total number ot sueh registratlons ls avallable daiiy lor any inquirers. lieen is a native of Honolulu and after attending Punahou and the old College of Hawaii he spent six years in the Orient with thē Standard OiS Co., and in the export and toport husiness For almost six years he was the secretary of John H. Wilson when the Democratic naīional committeeman was ir;ayor of Honolulu, this c,xperience giving hlm a keen lnsight into the funetions of the county governnient and a valuable foundation whieh enabied him to ascertain quiekly the needs of the county govemment in ihe clerk's office and to fill them.