Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 22, 10 September 1936 — Precinct Club Activities [ARTICLE]

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Precinct Club Activities

| The United Demjocratic Club hoid a pre-primary "pep" ißMeting at 7 p. m. Saturday, September 12, at Moke Kall, Emma near School streets. i Ali members of the party, and I panicuiarly candidates, are infviteā to attend, although speeches are absolutely barred, accordiag to Charles H. Rose, president. y John Hoomana will act as master of ceremjMiies, while Mrs. Agnes Keilett yoluntered to head a wahine committee to furnish the entertainment. Refreshments will be served. There wīli be a general meeting of th.e Democratic eitibof the 30th precinct dūtrīct at Maunkloa and &th avenues on Friday, Sept, 11,' at 7:30 p. m., it is an noonced by President William H. Tiiiey. A well - attended regulai meeting of the Democratic / club of the 19th preclnict of the sth district (old) at Lar>a.kiia School listened to pre£iminary campaign 'speeches * by almost ten candidates who believe in maklng hay wti3le the sun shines. Supervisor Manuel C, Paeheeo, the party's candldate for mayor of Honolulu, received an ovauō®i as he was caJled to llie platfc&ta ~ by Ernest Amona, ciub with the remark that "l&ē lj!wst hās been saved īor the last* "

The party's maTOTalty eaadidate delivered a typical faeheeo adcfress, poftit!ng oot to lils auāienee fhe extreme 1m- " portance of cast!ng eyery tote posslble for the Demoenitle candidates at the primarfes, particularly those on the mumcil»al ticket, as ti ls pifflllbīk for those candiflates elected outrig:ht at the Oetober primary by recefvißjr mote than half of the total vote cast on Oahu. Other speakers incltt«3ed Seivator Lester Dr. Sārry KtirasaM ; afifl Walter Jarrett, running for the board oī snper:visors; William H. EDis; sheriff; Louis V. Cadinha, treasuter: Charles E, Kauhane, Ernesß 1». tMau, E. C. (Sonny> Peters, Sr. t ' and Louis K. Silva, candidates for the house from the sth district, and P. Calistro, house candidate from the 4th |(Bstrict.