Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 22, 10 Kepakemapa 1936 — DEMOCRATS EXPECT HISTORY OF 1912 TO REPEAT ITSELF Look For Pacheco – Petrie Combine To Sweep County Ticket [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Look For Pacheco - Petrie Combine To Sweep County Ticket

"History repeats itself" fōrms one of the best known axioms in the English language, and Oahu Democrats are counting confidently upon hīstōrv repeating itself during the coming elections—seeing therein the election of Supervisor Manuel C. Paeheeo as mayor and that of Senator Leslie Petrie as a niember of the Honolulu board of supervisors. ' " ■'■ Back in 1912 the voters of Oahu elected six Democrats and one Reptublican as their super|visors for the following two !years. The names of Paeheeo and Petrie were among the suc - cessful Democrats — eaeh being eiected for the first time. Now, 24 years later, "those same two nāmes— and Petrle—āpneat on the Demoeratie eity and county tieket—

For Mayor

Paeheeo for Mayor; Petrie for Supervisor, A repetition of their success in 1912 is looked upon as certain in 1936. For, with an outstanding record of a quarter of century of public service m Hawan, Supervisor Paeheeo hopes to ciimax that record bv being "promoted" this year to the position of mayor of the eity and county of Honolulu. Well-Merited Reward "I have given more than 20 years of my life to the public service of the people of Hawaii/' Sijpervisor paeheeo says. "I have not mueh longer to go in public life and I believe that my record of service is such that the people of this comm!unity ean confidently trust the reins of their munieipal government to my hands — Heaven knows t h o s e hands have had enough experienee. " that i d e a of gaining a merited reward for. xs,y long years of public sen4e©jtiiis not. enough to induce me to make a campaign for the mayoralty position—l am doing it because I am certain that I ean give the peopie of Uiis connnunity a mueh better munieipai government than they are receWng from the presenf admlnlstration." Supervisor Paeheeo, aeknowiedged authority in Hawaii on muineipal financial affairs, who also counts service in the Territorial Senate and as a member of the Honoiuiu Charter Commission iu his record, is expected to make his campaign ou the theme, "Tūrn Back the City and | Countv Covemmeht to the Peo- 1 ple of Hon-»hilu.'' i €ity Kuted by Commissitm* Ue is iooked upon as almost eeiiain to stress thc poiut that WepiiMioan lcgistattvc ' aets strctchirig ov e r a ! decade, the control and man- j ol tormor eity au d | county dcpai tiuenis, bciimiing with the ator\\ ork s Uien | poHee desattroenf. fh<a!- I ly the pafks depaxtmcu,t. have been takei|'out of thc hands of o£iiciab of the munkipa|tj aud placcd i» thc fcands ofiappointive oommis-

shmrrs ytfio »re not electefl by —and henee *re not responūble—to the voters and to the taxpayers, who must the exorbitant expendītures of those organfeations, and howl most of the ttme at their aetlOßS. From his long service on the board, partlcularly ln hls favorlte posltion as ehaimian of the flnance committee, Supervlsor Paeheeo has derived an unparaUeled knowledge of munielpal money matters and of the functions of all city and county departments. This ēxperlehce' and background are lnvalnable when it comes to pointing out the many lamentable mistakes that have been made by the (iurrent Repubtican munieipal admlnlstratlon, as well as ln provldlng torward-looking measures fo r gefctiag the city and county ship back on an even financial keel, Unequalled As Campalfner Onē fact that is stiiklng fear lnto the reportedlv well-organ-ized ranks of the Ilepublican party, and more particularly inlo the faction that is known as the "Wright wing" of that organization, whieh wrested control of the party from the Former Merchant and Bishop ' ieaders' iox the lirst Unie .ānee smnexation of the Territory, is that Supervisor Pāeheeo ls probab!y une<iimned as a campaign er on Oahu.

Beside» hls loug aervioe in public li£e, Supervisor Paeheeo has been one of the outstaiiding citftrens cf Hamll in his private and business life. Born November 27, 1874, the son of Jose Caet&ap and I n e z Candida Paeheeo, at Pontu delgada, Tsland of SRn Miguel, A«ores, the present Democratic candidate for mayor of Honoiuiu was brougbt to Hawaii by his pareuts when lie was uine years old. Tlie famlly settled at Waiahia, vhere the present «u--pervisor was edue&ted in fhe pubiic schools, | with Star-BuLletiu Beginiiii\g his Ufe work & tn a retsl! grocerj ! store, the ambitlous Paeheeo becaine a bookb!nder's apprentice at the Raseman bindery in Honolulu at the age of 15. After serving his ,Ai)prenUceslup he was a finisker in the binderies of the Hawaiian Star ss<! the Euneiin, fore-mnners of the Honolulu Star-BuUetin. with whleh Supervisor Paeheeo has 'oeeu assoeiated ever slnee Uie two )our»als

amalsamated, He took time q|j£ i in tlie 1893 Wilcox fievolution tQ.j serve in Company C, NaUom&l Quard of Hawaii. Supervisor Paeheeo was one of the founders of the Portuguese Political Club in 1900, serving as its secretary, was an organizer of Camoes Circle, Companions i of the Forest, is a past president of the San Antor4G Society and a member oi Court Camoes, An,cient Order of Forejsters. ! Supervisor Pacheco's first po!litical campaign on the Demoi cratic ticket was made in 1910 |and ia 1912 he was overwh.elmingly to Ihe board of su- | pervisors. Only Two Suryivors It is significant that of the seven memt>ers elected to that board—six Democrats and one Republican—onli' Supervisor Paeheeo and Senator Lester Peirie are alive. Of fuiftlier signlfieanee is the fact- that Senator Petrie, alter a long and disiinjā;uislied career in Uie legisiature, as well as tlie i3joard of su-perv-isors. aeceeued UiU to i party appeals to his fieid jof service from the Senate to the |board, where he is regarded as jth logical floor kader of the Democratic superyisors the next two years. In 1912 Supervisor Paeheeo was selected as one of Hawaii*s deiesation to the faaious Cnnnoeiaūe NaUonal C|onvention at Baltmore. Supervisor Paeheeo was elee-

ted a member of the Honolulu City and Coiirity Charter Cōfi- r rentlon tn 1915, tn accor<!ajice " with an act of that !eflslature, īn the 1916 e!ectlons Supērvlsor Paeheeo became Senator Paeheeo from the" TWrd Senatorial District and served tw& and 1 a half years in fhe upper hcmse lof the legislatnre. In 1919, howI ever. he retarned to his first being returned to the boatd of rfapervisors by the largest number of votes cast" fof" afay candldate on the -mtirilclpal ticket. Supervisor "Paeheoo a?aln wis elected to the board in by an ovenvhclmfng m&jortty aiiā in 1928 he made hlstory by I»comlng the f!rst supef?!s©t Us Honolulu to be elected outright at the prirr.arv bv reeelvtog a rr>alority of aH rotes cast Ih c!ection on Oah*o. m 19SS Super?isor Pa<aseeo repeated this accomplishm«*kt and the on!y supertlSOf e!ected outright on two o*£asions. He has servM on "tJiat board sinw, hts &>saon being hiis seventh.