Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 21, 3 Kepakemapa 1936 — COUNTY PLATFORM URGES HOME RULE FOR MUNICIPALITIES Affirms Party Loyalty To President, Governor [ARTICLE]
Affirms Party Loyalty To President, Governor
(EMTdR'S NOTE—.AUhoush the 1936 platform of fhe Oahu Democratic party was printed in full in the daily press during the period of its consideration, it is reprinted herewith for the informatfon of Oemocrats on Oahu, with the suggestion that it be clipped fw futuxe reference.) We, the county committee of the Democratic Party of Oahu, reaffirm our devotion and īoyalty to the principles df the great national Democratic p a r t y, whieh, under the leadership of our President, Pranklin D. Roosevelt, has in the past four years achieved such far-reaching and constructive legislation for the comn\on people of America. We endorse without qualification the platform of the National Democratic Party as adopted at the lnationai convQntion receintly held 'in Philadelphia, and the platform of the Democratic een- / tra! c.ommittee of the Territory : of Hawaii. With the \itmost ' confidence in the patriotims and . intelligence of the citizens of the , eity couhty bf" Honolulu, we submit this platform for their consideration and ask them to . elect the candidates pledged to 5 its support. j f WE AFPIRM our loyalty to; the President of the United ■ States and apprec.late his far- i [' Teaching policies of relief for ; our unemployed in the Territory . of Hawaii. WE AFFIRM our loyalty to the . Governor of Hawaii. WE ADVOCATE Munieipal t Home Ruie. The broadening cf ( the power of the electorate and j strongly oppose any encroach-1 | ment up rights of loeal self-gov~| i ernment. We pledge ourselvesi ' to oppose any legislation in l Washington proposing to curtail ! our civil rights f and further to work for an amendment to the Organic Act whieh will prevent !egislative inteference in County ( Governments and whieh will grant to the municipalities of the Territory, upon their option, ' the rights of MUNIOĪPAL HOME . RUtE. WE ADVOCATE a 40-hcfur work week for all government , employes without reduction of total earnings, and the encourE agement of these hours and eonditions for private industry. We also favor a minimum pay of 55 eents an hour and a minimum work monīh oi 100 hours for city and county laborers. WE ADVOCATE the developf of wāte i rwōrks in rural aistricts» WE OONOEMN the Park Board . for their faiiure to properly eleau and maintam our parks and play grounds. WE OONDEMN the Republican Party for establishing Commissions whieii have, through Uieir autocratic abuse of power, deuie<l the electorate the right to ex-. press their approval or disapproval at the polls, WE AI>VOCATE a sound busiuess uianagenieut lor 1 and Coun'o Govemmeut. j " V K APYOCATE tlio adv>ptiou of a caUing for the im -; provauent and extension ol our; pubiic playgrounds and recrea - uon i&eiitiei> £or Uie st^ady, grosvtl\ ōf ovir populaUou. . WE ADVOCATE the buildl«g, of comfort siations and otherj i'acilities in rural Oahu parks. , WE AJPVOCATE a thOpOUgh study of traffic coadiUotis with īhe vie-sv of adopling eon&triieUve; and effective measun.NS for great-' er protectiou of life ana property. , \--j
( WE PAVOR the plan to revlse | the present Traffic Code, lollow|ing with one that is both eon'stTOCtlve andf " i and in accordance with loeal I demands. I WE FAVOR the WaUaUon of cotvttol Hghts ii i needed' mtersections, f WE ADVOCATE in order to |<sentralize responsibility for trafilie control, we favor establisljing j a traffic bureau, with a director, land a competent p!annlng sec!tion, free of hlndr&nces > to Oj>feT- a ;ate 24 hours per day . Tiils ,eUminate the cumt>er*jome an| !unwleldly meth'od how īn use. Iln adopt!ng th!s plan we are rem!nded of the terrible toll that haa been taken in human lives and property loss. WE ADVOCATE the buildlng of an additlonaT high school ln the f!fth district and add!tlonal buildings' for intermediate and elemejatary schools. WĒ building of a fire station at Wahlawa and another on wlndward Oa"hu. We also commend the flre department of the City of Sonoluiu for its efficient£erfQrjnan§e of duty, lts high standard 3 and the malntenane<? of ffO&& in their policy of enlistlng in the services quaUfied citizens of Hawail. WE. ApVOCATE the, improvement of our street lighting system. WE ADVOCATE the extenslon of the sewer system in Honolulu. WE ADVOCATE the establishiag of a labor tiureau. WE ADVOCATE the estallsh- " ment of a purchaslng <fepartment for the Csty and County at Honolulu. WE ADVOCATE the reduction of the automobile weight tax. WE ADVOCATE legislation to develop a broader scope bf soclaT seeurifcy and old age ]3ensl6ns. WE ADVQCATE the erection of centers in all poputous districts.
WE CONDEMN the Pollee ormmilss!on for retlr!ng mea that are still physically fit. ~WE A£)¥OCATE tiie ,«»prQveraent of our roads and hjghways. WE ADVŌCATE the improvetnieht of our garbage and strē€t «le»ning gystems. WB CONESMN āu2k\ empioyWE ADVOCATE the erection of a new cīty and county JaH w!th suff!eient acreage to develop a farm that wlll iie mainby liie uafortunate. WE CornffiND the City aad County eiei'k, Aladitor, and Sheriff for their efficient, eoono!nical handling of tfre taxpayers* money and for accomp!ishlng more with iess funds than any pre\ious admlnistratioa. We pledgre our condidates to fol!ow t?he!r example of effieiency and [®eonomy. ( WE ADVOCATE the reUef of uaeaiployment by. Uie use oi public work,? and ,by the encouragernent of new industry, WĒ PAVOFt the repair and lmprovement of sidewalk &reas without charge to the property owners. WE FAVOR the eonlinuanee of afle(jnate financial aid to worihy charitable and welfare organlssations. WE PLEDGE our candidate§ to a po!icy of cooperatlon wih the Feēera! sovcrnir.ent I-'. aH of the pwblle works proJeot^