Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 21, 3 Kepakemapa 1936 — We Explain Our New Form [ARTICLE]
We Explain Our New Form
With this issue Ke Alakai 0 Hawaii, largest Hawaiian language newspaper in the Territory, inaugurates a twopage English section under the sub-title "THE HAWAII DEMOCRAT." Several reasons are responsible for this move. Regrettablc as it is, with the ever.-widening Americanization efforts and influence bearing commendable resu lts, the field of usefulness of Ke Alakai 0 Hawaii as a strictly ian language newspaper is becoming constant!y narrōwefi as the number of persons whose only means of eomimiai? cation is the native language of these Islands gradually decreases. In the second plaee, with a preponderance of the press in Havvaii controlled by the Republican party f eithef directly or indirectly, it is impossible to present to the residonU of this Amenean community the true picture of tKe accomp]ishments of the current national Dempcratic adm;nistration both in the Territory and the Mainland United States. Conscquently the leaders of the Democratic party, in order to obtain a medium, in whieh this true picture might be presented, in additioA to giving publicity to the aims, policxs and principles of the party of Jefferson, Jackson, Clcveland and Wileon, were faced with the problem of obtaining that medium. Tlie innovation in the composition of Ke Alakai 0 Hawali, beginning with this issue, is the result. A& the loeal campaign swings into action within the next week or so more and more of the columns of THE DEMOCRAT section of Ke Alakai O Hawaii will be devoted to news and comment on theae activities whieh īt is impossible to find in the Repubiican-contr6lled press of the Territory. For this policy of disregarding or distoi*ting news of Democr,atic activities in the ,Territory tlrese Republican-controlled in the Islands ean no more be blamed than ean THE HAWAII DEMOCRAT seetion of Ke Alakai O Hawaii be blamed for disregard!ri g Republican activities in the main and concentrating upon the Democratip activities, Between now and the general e!ection on November Id j3roposed to issue 26 zn,pnth§ T publication of a weekly newspaper—of THE HĀWAII DEMOCRAT witlj, Ke Alakai 0 Hawaii, On the ordinary f;asis of a subscription price of $2.00 per year, the subscription price of these 26 issues will be $1.00. A ssecia-l subcription blank covering these 26 issues is printed elsewhere on this p^ge. A& ink, paper, compoait!oQ and other enter-
mg into the production of a newspaper cost money, it is neccssary that all loyal Deraocrats in the Territory subsc#ibe immediately for this apeeial series of 26 order ihat ihe case of the national admmistration of President Roosevelt, as well as the ainia, ideals and principles of Democracy in Hawaii> might receive as broad a presentation as is pQssible.