Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 14, 16 Iulai 1936 — TO THE SUBSCRIBERS: [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The ever increasing subscriptions reflect the confidence that you repose in KE ALAKAI O HAWAII, an d your desire to make it an dutstanding pub!ication in the Hawailan language. With such patronage, thēre is an added responsibility. Th e success thus far achieved has been due who!ly to support, whieh we know we wīll continue to receive and enjoy. We desire to furtlier the scope of our work and to add other departments of interesting" readmg matter. To reach our goaI # we ar e depending upon you for both *pmtua! and material suport. We weleome any helpful auggestions you may have to offer—News items and other reading matler. Thh is your paper. AII remittances and cprrespon PHa»e address to KE ALAKAI 0 HAWAII, car« of its managcr. Yours for success, KE ALAKAI 0 HAWAII