Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VII, Number 30, 29 November 1934 — ONA HE MAMA A MOE I KE ALANUI ME KA PEPE [ARTICLE]
i waia a pepehiia a M ku Piu I Ulu ae ia iiloko oP. C. f-Warren> he k&laiwa o ka bus īo"ka Hui Kaawwiia Honolulu |ma. ke awawi o Kalihi,. iaia li hoopaa ai i ke peleki o ka | hus a kū ke kaa ma ke kihi | o na alanui Kaiihi ame Malchado ma ka hola 9: jj : SO oka po Poīalima oka hejpekoria i hala. I E moe ana he wahino me ! ke koiki miku, ma kahi paha |o hookahi makahiki ke kahi | ko ma ka o ke alanui. ! Ma kana noii ana, ike iho lii o Wnrren aole he pilikia a ko<? walo no un ona \m ka o hikl 010 ni iaia ke onl. Nolnila hoonee oia 'ia laua a elua. ā hookau ialaun maluna o ka b«s a i Ka a loa i loaa iaia lawe oi& la laua i ka haiewai a nuu> i pon> ka ioaa ia laua o kahi Imaikai e moe ai h 1 h ma i ke alaiiuL < ! i) ka waiwai anei o ka hoop&uia īa <. kua swai hoole xvalon;i. | o ka p: li ahiki i kr?a la. o iu. l r a -oakoie n ho!oKar.a mai n\ako i ka pohnku m?i i Mahovu> olaiila. kii o Nihou >un o Tf;t"pi:. mamu'i o ko^n i pau I ■
STATĒMĒNt OF THE OWN ERSHIP, Management etc., requlred by the Act of Congr©w of August 24, 1912, of Ke Alaka! o HnwaU. p«bTi3hert weekly at Honolulu, verrltory of HawaU fot October 1. 1932. Terrltory of Hawali, City and County of Honolulu; Before me, a Not»ry Public, in and for the terrltonr and county aforesa!d, personatty appeared Jonah Kumalae, who tiavtng been duly sworn accordtneto law. deposes and says that he ls the manager of the Ke Alakai o Hawall, and that the" followtng ls to the best of hls know!edge anrt bellef a true stat,enient of the ownershSp, management etc., of the aforesald publication fof the date ahown in the ahove captlon, required by the Act August 24, 1912, embodied ln Sectlon 443. "Postal "Lkwk and ftegutetlon3 1? That the name and addre?ra of the publlsher, edltor, managing editor and buslness managex ia: Pubilsher, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. King St. Edit<jr, Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S King St. i Business Manager. Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. King.St. ! 2. That the owner is Jonah Kumalae, 2411 S. King St. JONAH KUMALAE, Manager ! EDWARD K. BUSH i Nctary PuWle |