Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 51, 26 April 1934 — Ke Alakai o Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Ke Alakai o Hawaii

Hooptikftit i na PnJe A|»ti | ' LUNAHOOPONOPONO, JONAH KUMAIAE | >■■■ Helo Kelepona St6IS 1 HELU O KA PUKA PA, Ull SOUTH KING STREET W.50 «wwn U»fcl«t W±nUi - 65 Kulke ka tul* nuk k* «no hc me* hslu alua, Uel 4. 1938, m» ka hale lela m Hō&oiUlu, Hawmli, mai&lo o k» &an»«»| o MwrfW 3, 1879 XE ALAKAI O HAWAII JONAB KUMALAK, EDtTOK . A WB*kly p»per print«d *nd publLtib*<l *% 2411 Soutb King Streft. Eawaii, STary Tk."irsday — 03» Y**r ■■ M£o : 81x ■ 135 ThT99 fnnt>iK MB Sub«crlpt.ioELB Payable in AdvexLce tm M«ond-«l*M matt«r M»y 4, 1828, *t the post offSce a.t Honolulu, H*WB.ii, und«r aet of Ma?ch 3, 1879