Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 47, 29 March 1934 Edition 02 — Ke Alakai O Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Ke Alakai O Hawaii

ifeopukaia ! na Pule Apau O, JONAH KUMALAE ~mr _ Helii Kelepona 91618 O Kā PUKA PA, 2411 SOH"H KJNG STREET Hoolrahi Maleahikl >2.5(5 Eono Mahina 1.25 Ekolu Mahina 65 Kuike ka Lula Hookomola ma ke ano he mea helu elua, Mel 4, 1923, m.a ka 'nale leta Honolulu, Hawau, inalalo o ke Kanawai 6 Maraki 3. 1879 KE ALAKAI O HAWAIi JONAH KU»iALA.E, EDITOR '• weekly paper printed and published at 2411 South Kiug Street. Honolulu, Hawaii, every Thursday One Tear, $2 50 81x. Months 1.25 Three Months 65 Suhscriptions Payable in Advanoe Sliteret T m Becon.!-class matter May 4, 1928, . at the post office at • ••Ho»r;ulu r Hawaii, under act of March 3, 1879