Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 42, 22 February 1934 — Ke Alakai O Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Ke Alakai O Hawaii

Hoopukala I na Pule Apaw LI3NA*<OOPONOPONO, JONAH EUMALAE Helu Kelepona 91618 HELU O KA PUKA PA, 2411 SOUTH KING STRĒET Hookahi liakaMM »2.50 Eono Mahin» — 158 Skolu Mahlna -65 Kuike ka Lula Kookomol& ma ke ano he mea helu elua, Mei 4, 1928, ma ka hale teta ms Houololu, Hawall, malalo o tee K&nawal o Marafcl 3, 187P JAN4H ieWMAĪ.AH, FnTTOR __ A weekly paper prlnted and publisbed at 2411 strcet. Honolwlu, Hawaii, every Thursdfiy One Tear ' .. $2.60 eiz Months - 1-25 Ttoee Monthe' — Subscriptions Payable in Advance Bntered m second-class matter May 4, 1928. at the post offlce at Honolulu, Hawali. undr- act of March 3. 1878