Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 31, 30 November 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]
It's All in Fun
On!y a Grammatical Error "What's this?" said the e(3itjpr. " 'Mr. Longbow is lying āt death's| duor.' Mak.e read 'laying'." "What?" exclaimed the -young £eporter, in surprise. "That's not ! correct." ' "No," replied the editor, "but it's better to make a grammatical eri*or than offeud I,*)ngbow's relatives. His rēputation for veracity is notoriously bad."—Popular Mechanics. ■ Hubby; I piekeei up that joke this morning in a barber shop. , Wiiie: xt must have gone there to get rid ei iis whiskers,—Fiim , ii♦ * + Willie was havipg trouble arithmetic. Saici teachser: How many do dadtly and mother and baby make? , "Two and one to carry,'' said blockhead Willie. —Popular Mechanics. Bett«r Investigate "Mother," said Peggy, who had just seen a large toadstool sprouting, "do babies grow or ean you buy them?" j f 1 "They grow, replied mother. • Weil," said 4-year-old, "I Uiink there's ona up in the back yard now."—Parent's Maga^the.' * * * + Sludent; What would you advise me to read after I have com£>leted my course and graduated. Professor? Prof.: I would $uggest the Help Wanted Page. | ---Frcdcncloii . . !*♦ ♦ : I "Well I ktssed my girl goodbye last night." "But vou're not leaving eamp." "I know, bīit I saw her out wl®bt a, handsome rich bachelor."—Film Fun. ♦♦ * . + ♦ 4 "■" 1 In Ihe Nadist Colony » Fort Cop: Hey therf t don*t. ]am up tralfic! don t jou use \our noodle? | Lady. I didn t know the c«r had <me!—Pop\ilar Mechanics. j 1 ♦ ♦ ♦■ She Ou£lit to Konw'. Traveling Ba>sinan. Girlie, I want permission to lell you a a.?okin& ear story that'il make you blusli fu>m ear t<> ear. Girlie; I'ni afraid you*re going to be disappouited. T. S.: You n:eā|a >ou v>on*t let me tell you ih« story? ; | . G.: Naw, I mean it wont make me blush. -Pilm Fun. ■ ! ■ ♦♦♦ . v Stifl Tn o Kinds oa the B«ach I. v> ; i .s at Loi\g Beach and this had l<K»ktng the erottd of bathers em. FSaally he re:v.aiked,.' 'WeU. Uicpe % s sUQ two waaeuUne i\nd B\iUeūr 4x