Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 31, 30 November 1933 — Glass Brick Used in Service Station [ARTICLE]
Glass Brick Used in Service Station
Popula; MechanAcs One lilling stat}on in Columbiis, Ohio, is eonstructed of glass blocks whieh are hollow sixsided units with pīa!n surfaces about the size of bricks. The blocks art> translucent, but not transparent, and ean be made in a variety of colors, „ They are annealed for greater strength and ean be replaced if one is 'jroken, though they do no{; " break eaaily. The st-ition presents a novel and unique appearance at nlght, when lights on ' the interioi'©nixance the exterior effects. V ' ±~iU~ : : " i: