Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 31, 30 November 1933 — Burglar-Proof Teller's Cage [ARTICLE]
Burglar-Proof Teller's Cage
Oue Wasliington, D, G. bank whieh has been robbed several times now has a telier's cage cq\Upped with every modern devlce to forstall a b;mdit raid, The front is of builet-proof glass wiUi sides of steel and a top of bullet-proof wire mesli, so the cashier is protected from gunfire from any direction. There are also guns and pun ports ready for instant use, and in addiUou a flood of te&r gas ean be released by §tepping on a butt<m with elther foot. -^4.4.4-—— Jasper: What made £\>u |eave Mrs. boarding-house after UvU;g there for thnx years? Casper: i found out they had no bathtub. American Masaslne t