Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 31, 30 Nowemapa 1933 — THE GREAT AND SMALL... HOT AND COLD...ODITIES [ARTICLE]
The American Weekly What probably is the world's largest scientific iiistrument is the great mirror telescope at Mount Wilson. The largest electro-ma€net is that whieh belongs to the I>ench Academy of Sciences, īn Paris. It weighs 120 tons and contaxns 105 tons of metalic iron and 9 tons of copper wire Its magnetic force may be exftrted indefinitely ; Largest steam shovel-—Can raise it its dipper at one scoop, 200,000 pounds, and raise it 85 feet. An auto could park in its huge dipper. The world's largest camera weighs nearly three tons and wlll make a picture on any size. of plate from four by five inches to a gigantic plate four feet square. A child of eight years could walk through the camera with ease. Lowest auto—With an overall height of only 27 inches, a car recently appeared on the roads in England. The larßest book in the world is believed to be a 10i94-pound Bible made by a Los Angeles carpenter. It takes 10 men to "tove it. When open is is 8 feet 2 inches wide. It is 43 inches tall, and contains 8,048 pages. The carpenter printed ana bound it all by himself. He printed the pages with rubber stamp letters V/ 2 and 2 inches high. Working 8 to 14 hours per day, it took him 2 years to finish the task. The smallest book is in the Cleveland public library, and is 6nly five-six-teenth of an «neh square and one eighth of an ineh thick. It is a complete copy of "Rubyaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Someone engraved the Lord's Prayer on the head of a pln.