Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

It's All in Fun

L . LQST Among the | iost in the strife and storm Is iiie SNveeij young thing with a boyish form t| For tlie ail say. alas, alaek, ' | llu? slim and stiaight that the curves are Imek. And dieU npw, tlie s( jles decree, Wlli p\U bumps'where bumps to be. ; —St. Paal Piotifcer Press. |♦♦♦ * ♦ ; Only a Kind Susgestion. . A dear old Lacly was sliocked at the lurid lai\guage ot two electriclans who were working in her houae. and compteined the eompani'. In due course tiie two ruen were sent for and asked for ān exjirUa««U»n.: r Weii sir, ' sald one, "it- was like this-1 was up &he iadder and|l ihe hot iesd fall on Bill. It went down iiis neek. And BiU, he said to me, 'You reaiiy wni hstye; to toe more careful, JacßL'."-Pop-uiar Mechani«. : • - I ♦ ♦: I hc«r Uie n«dist colos\y is very Gv\xiues*, thej daVt even «2ress tor ainaer,"~rEllsa 3P«iju v ; : i' : .♦ 4 ♦ : I%« C«ok $ S«fe Y , waior:"And you don\ ever ycur boi:ore }our sonny? | Oh, no - Dad SSQ"S owx reiiafeie! : ~Tto-BU&,