Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1933 — ODDS AND ENDS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A new farm tractor does up to 35 miles an our. This spells, progress, as it msterialiy speeds up planting and, later, the plowing imder. ■ j: .-+ + "f . . ..! A note of high hope is sounded by spokesmen for thc traae. Lounge suits for the new, leisure alone shpuld run easily into millions, - i ■■. i- ■ + Many fears are cntertained that the Havana students v-'ho laken on two hurricanes and two revolutions!in a month will tie stale for the big game. ■ . !' ' 4- 4 . ; j Bemg sent f.or a dry law fc?fr«4iaa at this, stage is a lot li3fe caU'hing a load of shrapnel on Nov. 10, 1918. , - ■ * t: We caxi't anything more .destructive "to growiiig Uian being trampled on by 30,000 or 50,000 NRA paraders in a city stxeet.