Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1933 — Radio Tubes Can Be Walked On [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Radio Tubes Can Be Walked On

Popular Science Monthly Proof against the roughest handling, an ind€Btn»cttble type of radio tube developed in Eiigland 50 sturdy that it may even be stepped on without damage, A metal bu'b <-cnlaces the customarv one of glass, malntAiaii\g the vacuum and also serving as the anode. Glas"s is used. ui the tube only to insulate the bulb froia the base. A PoTish meehanle has inventfd a on,e-uian rabmarine. It e&n be submerged and handled, we read. by a single pcrsoi'. T!\is should prove a great buon to lovers of solitude. Here Ls their ehanee to spend niee, QUiet vacations i»ndlsturbed by thoir noisy fel3osvnuM\ .uul the raiios and automobi!es thev are alway;? crying agaltvst! And for gangsters these subs shouul be better thau armored cars when t-hey feel the nee<'. of gettiixg away froit\ \*erythin<;.