Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1933 — Hardware Diet Fatal to Zoo Ostrich [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hardware Diet Fatal to Zoo Ostrich

The American Weefely LONDON—UntiI a few weeks ago, a long-legged, long necked, queen ostrich of this city v s wor!cl-famous zoo, seemed to be" in her usual gooct health. Then she upped and died, as the saying goes, without givihg her keepers an inkling that she was fatally ill. Soon after the efficient veterinary had opened the carcass, her demi§e was no mystery—for among other things whieh he removed from lier insides, were three handkerchiefs, a pair of gloves, eoin to the amount of haīf a crown and four pennies, and no less than 13 nails of assorted kinds and sizes. Nor was this all. He also found two staples, six washers, four ya,rds of string and three btrftons. Were th'e keepers' faces red? It was their conjecture that she picked up the bits of hardware when they weren*t looking and that certain inhumane visitors t'o the zoo, w?mting to find out for themse.lves if it was true that ostriches would eat anything that a goat would eat if given the opportunity, had fed her the handkerchiefs, the gloves and the eoin of the ivalm.