Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 29, 16 Nowemapa 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

It's All in Fun

"A Very Good Game—" A bridge enthusiast wrote and pubUshed a book oti the game. He gent a copy to a famous expert asking his opinlon of it. A week later he reteēlved the following reply: "My Dear Sir: "Your favbr oiP the 10th inst,, aceompanled by hook was duly recē!ved. T have read, the }atter very cai-efolly. lt seems a very good game, Lv* I dōn't think tt ijs a« gsdd a game &$ brl<3ge."— Boston Tran«srjpt. * + * Two a Klnd "Women don'i| I prefer t-he «ompanv of my fel}oi^-sye£."' "I'm hroke, too."— £^rie^. Motliev: Wh,y don't y9if to g;o to Sunday school, dear? Margery: Wes, J ,|ust I'4 UHe to give God a vacation.—T/-fe '1 * * * , ' ! Ere» the C*t Mi#a |t The shopper Was on her way out of the vHlage sljop after ieaving a Usfe «xoceries to be delivered. At ti\e ,cQldly; "Never miA<l qrsurfjerries, Mr. Oates, I see the cat is skepi|ig on thejp." "Lord bless mum," cried the shopkeeper, '\she won'l mind nie waking her up."—Montreal Gazette. t ♦ 4- .j •You suut thc engUie, sir, by pressia\g the horn button. You seej, the pre\lous owner did all his own repairs.'—Popular Meehaniea ■ * ♦ ♦ ♦ "You ask high wages for a man without ex perlence." ; "WeH, sir, irs harder when you doot loiow anything about \tr~Pop\ilar Mechanlc«. I * +. .+ , . - L Or Swhe Wanl«d Mo«r N«rse: Doctot, the pattw\t in ro»Mii 1? jjrabbed me a while agcj and ga7e me a letofc Bn|ering| Doctor: Sav. ii he's acting that waj he's stroug l enouuh to ero dont you think? Nurse: Not since he gave me that kiss.—FUm Fun. i i♦♦ ♦ / i "Th« sheriff aixd I wefe.o«l in ihe waa&i atfter str»wberries and found * "G««wtiig wU4?" •Tll »ajr li« Fna. WIMIIMNI = How «n I «et my i»*M< % «Ikoh. 2u> willi & cost«4- ~ _ I ■ Ask huv. whfji he iuWatd& to buj- a «.e* e&e; -~Huiftomt> i , l - " \ - ,4 ' , !