Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 29, 16 November 1933 — ODDS AND ENDS [ARTICLE]

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One thing th%;t puts a stop tp jp>etting aJong Diamond Head rpas is tlie §un, A bad cold runs neek and neek, Sometimes the eyes have it and sometime§ the noie."—slorida Times-Union. The lines of the new bathing sults do make the girls look ever s|o well and you ean bet thejfll make the boys 16ok ever so well, too,—Fllm Fun, ♦ ■ + ♦ Nature is wonflerful! A mllllon years ago shē dldn't know we Were golngto Vear §pectafeles, yct look at the way she placēd our ears,—Annat>olis Log. ' r"? | 1 MAYBE FROM THE PTVE AND TEN Mary ha4ja .JPty And cvery %lm. lt It shrunk up more ana more.. Until e3ge Began io %lwqgt meēk And §h§ u§§d it £qr p. belt, reaily $a# jJJapj£eti ■f -4Thc only plaee! youll find clinging type of g;'l these days i| pi> the hind seat of a mōtorcyck.—Schenec£ady *t3nion-Star. ' Nowadays, girls no longer tie up love letters in bhie ribbon. *itiey use redtape.