Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 28, 9 Nowemapa 1933 — FOR RURAL HOME MAKERS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Milk is valuabl« for the nutritlon of youi\g and -•old: «iek and 'weHl, inaetlve artd hard worMng. ; : A generous dsily quota of milk is e«specially , aecessary duruis the years of rapid growth. i♦ ♦ ♦ Miik has no Mual among foocīs as a source of , ealeium, whīeh m needed by everypue for sound teeth and sirong bories. |♦ ♦ ♦ In the low colst diet, milk is promineut beis provides high <iuality protem, ealeiuui and vitamins A and G eheaply. j •♦♦♦-:-.., It is the responsibiUty of the comumer to know \vhnt elean milk is, t<> cSemand it ia every comn\untty and Ito keep milk In ā cold. eiean plaee froai the Ume is is uutU it is used. i I • • - - ! A sood refri&erator Uiat \emperature in the milk a safeguard to health. , . ~1 —• -The differeiiQe man," said Uie WttM-be caa&u»*t, -is thai the eow givco puf« aiilK-". . Tnere is differeuct," i»torte<i aio nuiknvan. l, The eow doesat - era Retailer, ! TtiDUBhtfttl OhiM wiUi oi rccc;., OuW. Well my Onsers - -