Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 28, 9 Nowemapa 1933 — ALWAYS HIT BY LIGHTNING, BUT WORLD'S SAFEST SPOT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Every tlm§ an New York Ci ; :y, Hha' telēphone tiie offiee of the Buti(Sng are wlth _ calls, li}vīsifs thje anxlous volces 'same questicn': 11 ' " r ' Vl "I " The mr"No in<?eeaī Durlng an electrlcal ,storm the. Empire i* the &. ,th<? w<>rid!" > Amw is OAf.?P9t • ways strUcas wheoever pleelneal st-oi:m over Kew X<KEfcjpity. yet it Lsl iiap 'paM' plaoe in the whole ,city when the i>olts āie" hurtling througl\ the lj&avens. This is another marvel v/hich makLg§ this $55,000,000 iallest skyscrapev in the worl<i famous. Empire Svate might even be calle4 tß,e moat ex- " pensive lightr»tr>g roci in the for it acts just like a lighjjiiog rod. Sixty thoussya4 tons of steel went into the eonstruction of Uxe; huilcling. Th« taras>us moorlng mast is covered with chrome-nlckel r s|eel, aiuminum and from the sixth to the 86th floors the Indiai>a limestone and granite use<J in the exterior coi)structioii are embellished wUh , wide strips of the same metal. . . „ When lightQū^g. strikes the bullding, tt fUts through this stepl. mto the grovr.S.Jn a fraction of a second. .Wheu£ver a lishtning*flash starts in that direcUon,, draws ls down, swal- , lows it all up &nd turns it harmlessly lnto tbe earth. , . .. . „ ■.., . .. . ... . ..... ■ 1. ■■ No recor4 has beep kept of the rvumber of times the buil4ii)g.has been hlt by llghtrilng, but it has been aften. Ifs one plaee where llghtning strikes twice, ahd then