Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 27, 2 November 1933 — It's All in Fun [ARTICLE]

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It's All in Fun

Po not open a letter for two days you get it so that yoa w|LU be prepared for bad ne\vs that may be in it. I 4 4 4 . . . TRAGEJDY OP A TORNADO Htoidsome mister," Someone ? s sister, ,Sitting ki a chair; Aahe kissed her Vicious fcwister To&se<i them in the air. Lanely sister MjUjsed her mister When the twister quit. For tlie m ,ster Wjho Jiissed her Never even lit. | —Boston Transcript . 4 4 4 Jack: My idea| of a good wile is % woman wUo ~ean uiake gbod jbread." . Jill. My idt s «i of a good Uusband is &. ma.n who ean raise tlie dpu|jli in Uie hour oX kueā,d. l ♦ +*+ ;'•< Observing a young lady standixjg alone, tbe young man stepped up tc, her and ssld» me, yoU look likfe Helen Black." "Yes. ' she replied. "I know I do, but I'd look far worse in whiite.' ~-C?lgary Herald. 4 4 4 As they whirled around the danq§, floor, she askod: "Whai, part of the country axe you frooi?" He told Wr hp li;iiled £roui South $&kot&, but she appeared inCreduloiis. "Don't kid me," "she told liini. d,oix t , a bit li&e a Southen-ier!"~VanocrUYei (B.CJ Pro N inee ■ 4- 4' 4 - "im in a hole; Mike," said Pai lend J im $2?" .< ■ : Ai» iiike open*p4 his poeketJ>oQ& to eoiupl} . P&t saw some larger bills. "Te mlght m&e it £ive. 'Mike.' he reniarked. "I ean aisly make tlie hole a Mt rer "—NeW Hav<?n Register. ' 4 4 4The eighth Dhke of DeTonshlre often yawr>ed, in the mid<ile d>f his sp<?eches in the House of Lords. An intimau- friend calkd his atientioii to the faet. i>uggesling thst h<e avoid dclng so. "But. my de«r fellow." said the Dukc, ,l you h&ve no idea how duJ. ihey ajx\"—Boston Transwripi. ! »4- 4 4- „ "Wh*t m»de yuu auarrel with he piViXNii?.\i lo xne agaln last ni&h' " \Vhov-c w iHo hs\v:n m •'Uy o;oar. 1 Uaā ucocpU\i liun Cb.i; nlght hePOTtismd: Oreg\>nian. ."