Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 27, 2 November 1933 — ODDS AND ENDS [ARTICLE]
Nest e£gs that were in hoarding are now belng brought out and turned over to the Blue Eagle for hatching,—Arkansas Gazette. . * + ♦ Mr. Well s contention that we are ridjxig blin<Jly into a new war ih at odds wlth a widespread superstition that we are l>ack from the last one,—Mid Week Pictorial (N.Y.). 4-. . The motor induslry'i» code never cleared up one fascinatlrg poinl: V7liose spark plug Ls provid||ig that splendid ignition in the Blue Eagle'a left elaw? ■ ■ ■.;■ . , DUMBEIX POMES I-'s fun to be a college boy, He lives a life of ease; ; And even when he graduates, He dges it, by degrees. ■ ■"■•■ • —Chicago Tritaine. + ■¥ 4- ~™"" Sometkiies we wonder whether Adam moved out of the garden as a cliaaax to the apple episode or just because he couldn't afford to keep up the plaee,—-Qhio State Joumal. ++ ♦ . whieh was correct, or set in regard _tQ hena, an old woman said jt, didn't bit of difierencft U> When she he%rd„t®ie**cai;iae, she was in knowing she ha<i laid or lied.—Ploric T a Times-ITniQn A north liondon parrot ean lmitale fight anel a jazz bancj.. So realistic aregUk§ijfei's derings that it is impossible to , fcāT whieh is whieh.—-Humorist (London). / , ' i -—t-t-t —Jl