Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 27, 2 Nowemapa 1933 — NEW TYPE HIGH SPEED GAS CAR [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mid-Week Pictoriāl The Railplai>e, latest aiiswcr to the deHiand for speedy rail transportation, has caused a great <J«al of comment throughout- the country. It emmany entirely new features and is built alo!ig airplane lines, following tests of models in wind tunnels. The milplane is made by the Pullman eompany of Chicago, and is easily, capable of operatat 90 milea an hour. The car is a single independent anit, 60 feet iong aiid seats 50 persona, yet weighs only 25,000 pounds. The car is driven by two automotive-typc en- ; Mounted on the forward trudc, one geared each'Of Ihe fiont truck axels. Resilient wheels we «sed, while brakes are ol the automotive drum type. The car windows are all sealed shut f ventilation behig provided by an air conditioner all temperatures. ' .1 + +